Saturday, January 9, 2010

For a New Beginning Forsake The World

Saturday, January 09, 2010 Print Article
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For a New Beginning, Forsake the World
Bishop Keith Butler
By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment. Hebrews 11:23 (KJV)

Do you want this new year to be have some new beginnings? Then you're going to have to forsake the world system. The world will bombard you with the easy way out. However, you have to decide that by faith God's way is the only way for you.

Moses is a good example of a man who forsook the world. You see Moses was raised in Pharaoh's house. He was someone of privilege and authority. Yet, he had compassion for his Jewish brethren and killed an Egyptian for beating one and he was driven out of Egypt.

It seemed as though Moses was going to spend the rest of his life in the desert, then God approached him and called him to be the deliverer of His people. But there were some steps that led to Moses having his new beginning:

Verse 24, Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. In other words, he made a decision that he was not going to accept any benefits by any other means than God. If you're going to have an anointed new beginning, you have to refuse to do it any other way than God's way.

Verse 25, Moses chose to go God's way than enjoy the pleasures of sin. You have to make up your mind that as for me and my house; we choose to serve the Lord. This has to be your attitude even if you don't get blessed--to go God's way.

Verse 26, Moses esteemed God's blessing higher than anything man could give him. His attitude was, I would rather get it all from God and nothing from man. You see, you have to stick to this regardless of what men offer you. Yes, you may have to wait a little longer, but that's all right. If I can't have it God's way, I don't want it period.

Then verse 27, Moses forsook Egypt and followed God. When you decide to follow God, many times you will have to go against the wind. Egypt represents the easy way, the sinful way, and the crowded way. It's the way everybody wants to go. But Moses made a decision, and he did it by faith, that was to forsake Egypt.

Listen, God is about giving you a new beginning, but you have to determine that it's going to be God's way or no way.

Scripture References: John 8:12; 12:25; Matthew 16:26; Mark 4:19

Bishop Keith A. Butler is the founder and pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, MI, and Word of Faith Christian Center in San Antonio, TX. Bishop Butler ministers extensively in churches, conferences, and seminars throughout the U.S. and abroad with an emphasis on instruction and no-nonsense, practical application of God's Word. Click here to browse and purchase MP3 sermons by Bishop Keith Butler!

© Bishop Keith A. Butler all rights reserved.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Step Away From The Blender

Friday, January 08, 2010 Print Article
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Step Away From the Blender
Milan Ford
I'm pretty confident that what I am about to share with you is going to make you laugh. But, I pray it will also make you think as well. So please be prepared to do both.

I'll never forget an email I received one day from a friend of mine who was struggling with the terms of a New Year's fast and consecration her church had recently begun.

Although she was a devoted believer, and understood fully the importance of fasting, she honestly did not know if she was going to make it through the entire journey.

This is what she sent me:

"Milan, this may sound crazy, but I came real close to putting a piece of chicken in my blender the other night. Not to sure if I can keep up this liquid-only thing. Pray for me..."

{Insert Big Laugh Here}

Although I'm sure you'll agree with me that her email was a bit extreme, I can't help but wonder how many of us as believers, now only a few days into the New Year, have already given up on some goals we set out to accomplish this year?
Are we really (as believers) this undisciplined?

This year, what bad habit have you already returned to that you know you need to get rid of?

Or have you returned to a relationship you know God has already told you to leave alone?

And after all the pep talk many of us received on New Year's Eve, are you still going to sit back and believe that your boss, your spouse, or some wrinkled up bank receipt is going to control your destiny in God?

Again I ask: Are we really (as believers) this undisciplined?

I realize this phrase may be getting a little old now, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway.

Happy New Year Everyone!
It is now 2010. It is time to move beyond where you were last year.

I refuse to allow myself, my family, or anyone within my reach, settle for less than what God has already empowered them to accomplish this year. And neither should you.

So, just in case you're feeling a bit discouraged today, and have already begun to cast doubt on some of the goals you had set for this year, feel free to read this over and over again today.

And please. If you don't do anything else...


Milan Ford has been a leader (and survivor) of ministry within the local church for most of his life. A lover of Red Vines Licorice and all things pointing North, Milan released his first book, 83 Things I Wish The Black Church Would Stop Doing earlier this month, which was recently ranked #1 on (Religion & Spirituality / African-American). You can find Milan rambling and writing at at

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Beginnings

Wednesday, January 06, 2010 Print Article
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New Beginnings
Tanya James
Every year around the beginning of December, people around the world implement a list of new action items in their lives effective January 1st. We decide to start working out or eating better. We vow to finally launch that business or go back to school. We promise to give up smoking or drinking or some other addiction that we have.

We re-dedicate to a lifestyle of prayer and worship or to be nicer to everyone around you; the list can be endless.

However, many times before the month of January is over, we've already forgotten about or given up on many of the action items on our list. And for some of the items, we wont even reconsider them again until the end of the year when its time to start thinking about the new year.

We also tend to put God on our schedule - declaring what He will do (or wont do) in the new year. And doesn't it seem like these declarations tend to come in the form of a statement 'rhyming' with the current year?

For example: "We will win in 2010!"
I'm sure you can name a few others you've heard lately as well.

This cycle has always been perplexing to me, Why do we tend to only equate new beginnings with a new year? Who decided that January 1st was the date to renew goals and to dream bigger? And if these things are important beginning January, why aren't they important enough to start immediately?

And why do we place a timetable or time limit on when God can move in our lives? Using the above example, do we only want to WIN in 2010? How awesome would it be if instead of having this time of "reflection" and "renewal" only once a year...we did it daily?

What if we claimed the promises of God on a regular basis and not just for our new year's declarations?
"Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?" Isaiah 43:19

Will we miss that new thing because it's not the first of the year when we expect new things? Or will we be open to receive and embrace what God has for us AND what God is calling us to do right now, regardless of what the date is?

I challenge you to let go of the "new year's" resolutions and instead make "lifestyle" resolutions. Daily, make it a priority to strive to be more Christ-like. Daily, implement Psalm 34 into your schedule (I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth). Daily, move forward in those things God has called you to do and be!

And let's stop putting God in our yearly boxes. He has things in store that we can't even begin to think of, and those things may not "rhyme" with entrance of every new year.

"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness" Lamentations 3:22-23

New mercies daily... that sounds like the type of new beginning that I want to grab hold of!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

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Are You Working?

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010 Print Article
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Are You Working?
Dr. Tara Jenkins
"Are you working?" is a question that is often asked when someone wants to know whether or not a person currently has a paying job or not. However, today I want you to ponder this question as a reflection of whether or not you are functioning and flowing in the purpose and plan for which you were created.

Think about this...If you flip up the light switch and the light bulb burns out, it is then no longer working. If you get in your car and it will not start, that car is not working. If a vending machine takes your quarters, dimes and dollars; but does not give you back your soda or snack, the machine is not working!

When anything we encounter is not doing exactly what we bought it to do or what we expect it to do, we get frustrated because it is not working. Well, are you frustrating God by not doing exactly what He intended you to do when He created you? Are you working according to what He had in mind for your life?

John 9:4 says, "I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." Take time today to ask yourself, "Whose work have I been working?"

If you've been working your own works and creating your own to-do list, ask God to shake everything off of your list that does not line up with His list. No matter how old you are, or how many years you've had the same new year's resolution, it's never too late to start following God's agenda for your life. Work the works of Him!

While 'working' can be defined as being actively engaged in paid work; 'working' is moreover defined as performing an intended purpose. You've been given a unique combination of gifts, talents and abilities along with a one-of-a-kind personality. This combination was not by accident, but everything that you have within you, as well as everything that you have experienced, was for God's purposes! Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Perhaps you have been unclear about your purpose. Trace your passions and pet peeves and they will lead you to your purpose. Purpose is often attached to your ability to provide a solution to problems and issues that prick your heart. The abused become advocates. Former victims help others gain victory. Those once chained become champions for a cause.

Take time to do an honest evaluation of whether or not you are or have been working. If you realize that you are not functioning in the role God intended for you, this is the season to start aligning your life with God's perfect will!
You are a rarity. Now pray for God to give you clarity about how He wants to use your rarity.

Allow God to use you during this season of your life, then when you are asked, "Are you working?" the answer will be obvious. Now is the moment. This is the year! 2010 is the perfect time to start working.

Dr. Tara Jenkins is is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as the wife of Pastor Charles Jenkins, pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Jenkins is the proud mother of three beautiful children, Princess Alexandria, Paris Victoria, and Charles Jenkins III. Dr. Jenkins is also the founder of Ministry Mates-Chicago, an organization designed to minister to Senior Pastors' wives in the Chicago-land area. For more information about Dr. Jenkins, log onto

Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Beginning

Monday, January 04, 2010 Print Article
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A New Beginning
David Turner
During the course of the past year, many of us have faced some sort of trial, test, setback, or disappointment. Some of us have even experienced failure. But in spite of all of that, God has prepared this year, this moment in time for you to have a new beginning.

The enemy's objective is to keep you locked in yesterday, the place where the pain originates from. God has a different plan for your life. He knows all about the things that have gone wrong. He's not surprised at some of the questionable decisions that you have made. He's knows that you have let Him down. He is not shocked at all.

The good news is that He also knows your future. "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away and all things have become new" (2 Cor. 5:17)

When you have life in Christ you have the ability to experience new possibilities in life. There is a season of new opportunities that await you and you must be willing to pursue it. Victory in this new year takes some understanding.

You were not created by accident. You were made by God himself. God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He designed you to live for a unique reason. When He made you, He pulled out all the stops. You are His prized creation.

You were made to overcome obstacles. You were made for victory. He didn't create you to blend in with the scenery. Out of over 6 billion people in the world, there is only 1 like you. So, don't be shut off or boxed in by traditions or customs. Don't be held back by someone else's expectations. You were created for brilliance and excellence. You were made for success.

Before planting seeds, the ground must first be prepared. The ground must first be dug up and turned over in order to receive seeds. In the same way, we must cultivate our lives so that we will be able to yield a successful harvest. We must do some work in order for our lives to be ready for a new beginning. We have to make choices and not yield to the power of sin. As we choose God's way the Holy Spirit will strengthen us even more.

There are some spiritual disciplines that we must develop to cultivate our lives:

1. Prayer - Not just asking God for things but communing with Him.
2. Giving - We must change our perspective on our possessions.
3. Studying the Word - We must take in His promises daily.
4. Serving - We should always look for ways to improve someone else's life.

There is a lot of noise in this world. There are people shouting from every angle, trying to get your attention. To be able to distinguish between the voices you need to be able to listen very closely. God is always speaking; we just have to listen for Him. The time is come to get your hearing in order. The alarm has sounded.

What is the sign that you are waiting for? The light has already turned green and you are clear to begin your journey. Step away from the crowd. Separate yourself from the average people who don't want anything other than what they have always had. You have been called out to make a difference. You have been called out reclaim territory for God and live out your destiny.

It's time for your New Beginning.

David Turner is the founder of The Success Academy and serves as an associate minister at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Joliet, Illinois. He is a writer for numerous online publications. David advises local high schools in the areas of numeracy, literacy, and disciplinary guidance. He also mentors and coaches high school students with their Life Skills and college preparation process. You can catch him on his blog at