Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thanks For The Memory

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Daily Devotional
Thanks For The Memory
By Bishop Vashti McKenzie
This week's topic: The Church

There are times when problem-solution scenarios seem so simple. The psalmist simply says: it’s deep out here. It’s dark. It’s real, but we can still sing unto the Lord. We can move forward, pick ourselves up, pull our pouting lips back, by remembering the previous times of our Lord’s faithfulness in our lives.

In Psalm 13, David wondered how long would his enemies prevail. He prayed and remembered God’s unfailing love. In remembering, he broke out in song and praise. A simple formula!

Ancient writers wrote that by remembering, “God is a profound form of prayer that eventually transforms us and all of our relationships.” There are times when remembering is hard to do, especially when it’s deep, dark and real. This is where a testifying Christ-centered, bible-believing, Holy Spirit filled and led community comes in.

The church is an intentional community that helps us with the remembering. Remembering comes when we totally give ourselves in acts of worship. Persistent problems can extract interest on trouble before it is due. It can constantly drain the energy God gives us to face daily challenges.

Remembering comes when we encounter people who may have been where we have been, and walked where we walked. The church provides an opportunity to be in fellowship with people who care and value us. We are in the midst of those who are still a work in progress, like us, in community where we feel accepted and loved.

Remembering comes when we learn, develop and practice our spiritual disciplines of prayer, praise, study, fasting and worship. The church provides the training ground for growing these spiritual muscles to handle the deep, dark and real situations.

Remembering comes when an intentional community, the church, affirms us. The church helps us see that we matter to God. In spite of our current stumbling or circumstances, God is still a present help in time of trouble. We learn that what is deep, dark and real in our lives does not define us. This community points again to the faithfulness of God even when there is sorrow, sickness, pain or failings. This community empowers us with opportunities to serve and be served, and encourages us through their own testimonies of healing.

The church of Jesus Christ is the best example of an intentional remembering community. Prayer, praise, word, worship and witness – all help us to remember God. In the remembering, we are transformed.
David promises to give God formal thanks, and the intentional community becomes crucial to the healing process in deep, dark and real times. Trust God’s unfailing love and in due season you shall reap if you faint not.

Forsake not thyself from the assembling of believers. Be a part of God’s intentional community. Don’t let anything or any deep, dark, real or unreal personalities keep you away from worship. Don’t let your Saturday night mess up the Lord’s Sunday morning.

Scripture For The Day: “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? But I have trusted in your steadfast love” - Psalm 13:1,5

Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie is the presiding bishop of the 13th Episcopal District of the AME, and serves as a guiding example for women and church leaders throughout the country. For more on Bishop McKenzie, visit or hear her messages daily at…

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why We Meet Together Regularly

Why We Meet Together Regularly
By Ron Luce
This week's topic: The Church

Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord's coming is getting closer. - Hebrews 10:25, CEV

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Ron Luce
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The Bible specifically talks about the importance of getting together with other Christians so that you can learn and grow and continue going for God with all your heart. A lot of people think that after they make their commitment to the Lord, they can do whatever they want as long as they don't fall into major sin.

The point is, however, that you are not designed to be a Lone Ranger Christian. You are designed to do incredible things for God and to change the world, but you have to be connected with other people who want to do the same thing. In Hebrews 10:25, the Bible gives you a specific instruction: "Don't you dare quit going to church! Don't you dare stop getting together with people who have a like mind and a like faith."

This is an important point for young people today. A lot of people say, "I can't really make it to church. My job--my sports, my hobby, my whatever--interferes with my church and youth group." But, you have to surround yourself with people who love God and are going after God in the same direction. The Bible calls it fellowship.

I have talked to so many youth pastors who get really discouraged. They work their heart out for their young people, yet the young people don't seem very committed. For example, I know youth pastors who have planned and planned and planned a retreat or some other activity. They announced it for two months and mentioned it during meetings.

But when it came time for the activity, no one came. It turned out that the teenagers were more committed to a school activity or sport than they were to their youth group--people with whom they are going to heaven and spending eternity.

As a follower of Christ, you need to turn that reputation around. You need to be the kind of person who says, "I know God has plugged me in here. God has a plan and a reason for my being here. I'll not commit to just Wednesday nights or just Sunday mornings. But every time that there is an opportunity for me to grow, I'm going to be here."

Does that mean you have to be there every time the doors are open to church? No. But at the very least, be committed to the regular services and special events that your pastor and youth pastor have going so that they know you are a serious Christian.

Don't be an airhead floating around saying, "I have my Bible and my study manual, and I'll do my own thing." If you are committed to the Lord, then there ought to be other people around you who know about your commitment to the Lord and who can help you grow.

Maybe you have done some things that I've mentioned here or even other things to show a lack of commitment to your pastor or youth pastor. I want you to take a moment and think about anything you may have done to show a lack of commitment. Take some time this week to ask your youth pastor and pastor to forgive you for anything you have done to make their jobs more difficult.

Think of some things that you can do that will show your commitment to meet with other Christians. How can you show that you have determined that you will not allow yourself to get out of the habit of meeting for worship? How can you show your commitment to your youth group and church? Don't just be a flighty, air-headed, haphazard Christian who floats in now and then.

Scripture Of The Day: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:25 (NKJV)

President and founder of Teen Mania Ministries, a Christian organization reaching millions of young people worldwide, Ron Luce passionately declares the Gospel through Acquire the Fire TV broadcasts, youth events, camps and media resources, challenging teens to take a stand for Christ. For more information about Ron, log onto…

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Heart, My Chapel

My Heart, My Chapel
By Cindy Beall
This week's topic: The Church

"I'm goin' to church" is a phrase I've used more times than I can remember and to be quite honest, will probably continue to use it for the rest of my days. Because let's face it. It sounds rather odd to say, "I am now going to the building where the pastor speaks and we sing songs to praise Jesus."

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God. Is. Good.
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In my 38 years of living on this earth, I have heard numerous people share their spiritual woes with me. Many are frustrated that they are in God's waiting room and that He is just not moving fast enough for their taste. There are those who just can't seem to beat the demons who keep torturing them as they try to live their lives. But probably the biggest group is the people who struggle with not feeling close to God.

Maybe you've said it.
Maybe you've said it today.

Rest assured, just because you and I don't always feel God's presence or feel close to God doesn't mean we are far from him. Quite the contrary.

Brother Lawrence, author of The Practice of the Presence of God, writes: "It isn't necessary that we stay in church in order to remain in God's presence. We can make our heart a chapel where we can go anytime to talk to God privately."

Have you ever heard anything so profound? We can make our heart a chapel.
Today, have some church in that heart of yours.

Scripture Of The Day: You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. - 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NKJV)

Cindy Beall is a Christ follower who uses her gift of exhortation by writing and mentoring women. She uses her past experiences, including the near death of her marriage, to encourage people that God truly does redeem. For more information about Cindy, log onto

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Pinky Toe Ministry

The Pinky Toe Ministry
By Tanya James
This week's topic: The Church

Have you ever stumped your pinky toe? Painful right? Have you ever really injured your pinky toe? If you have then you know just how excruciating that pain can really be. But I’m not even sure the pain is the worst part about it … it’s how thrown off balance it makes you. Yes, that little toe affects your balance. It may seem useless and most of us probably take them for granted but it really does help maintain your lateral balance.

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Tanya James
The Time Stealers
Get Up And Love
Faith Is An Action Word
Our pinky toes remind me of some members of the church that feel that they are useless. They don’t believe they play a role nor have any responsibilities. Every Christian is needed … and every Christian has been called to do “something” in the Body of Christ.

There are no “big” and “little” Christians in God’s eyes. It may appear, like the pinky toe, that you aren’t really needed. However, just like a broken pinky toe throws off your physical balance … a broken piece in the Body of Christ throws off the spiritual balance.

It doesn’t matter if your church has 10 members or 10,000 members, the pastor cannot do it all … he (or she) cannot touch everyone. Don’t take it for granted what God has placed inside of you to do. And don’t be envious of what someone else is doing … you too have a role and responsibility!

Yes some are called to preach, some are called to teach … but if God has called you to be a greeter … please understand that you shouldn’t blow that off. Somebody needs that hug that you will provide. You could very well be the vessel that God uses to change someone’s mind about committing suicide. They thought no one cared, and then you reached out to them.

If you’ve been called to work in the nursery, don’t take that for granted. The words and love you are sowing into the children who are left in your care is seed that will later be watered. The harvest that comes forth could be the difference in them being a future leader instead of dropping out of school and living a life of drugs and alcohol.

And your responsibility as a Christian goes far beyond the four walls of the church building …

If your co-worker is going through something difficult and confides in you … don’t say, “You should come to church with me this weekend and have my pastor pray for you.” No, you pray for them right then and there. God hears and answers your prayers just like he hears and answers your pastor’s prayers.

If you know someone lost everything they had in a fire …don’t just tell them, “I’m gonna pray for you.” Do something …How about you and a few of your friends look through your closets and see if you have anything you can donate to them? And if you don’t… why don’t you coordinate a clothing drive for them?

If you know someone without transportation and you know they are trying to get to service, offer them a ride in your 8 passenger SUV that is empty … don’t just give them the # to the bus ministry at the church.

We have ALL been called to play a part … what’s yours? If you don’t know... Seek God about it and then walk in it. If you do know … don’t sit around waiting for someone else to do it.

“In this way we are like the various parts of the human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of His body. But as a chopped off finger or cut off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we? Since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be. Do this without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.”

Scripture Of The Day: "For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." - Romans 12:4-5 NKJV

Founder and president of The Master Plan, Tanya James is the author of From Promiscuity to Proverbs 31: Getting Off the Fence of Sexual Immorality. For more information about Tanya, log onto or

Monday, April 12, 2010

Brother Nate Hamilton is Performing: See all info below) click on image

The Church Has My Vote

The Church Has My Vote
By Overseer Christopher J. Harris
This week's topic: The Church

The church has some problems. No question about it. I’ve been around the church most of my life. Actually, all of my life would not be a stretch. Interestingly enough, I’ve seen some of the best that the church has to offer and unfortunately, I’ve seen some of the worse that the church offers.

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Overseer Christopher J. Harris
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But I’m committed to the church. You may ask why? If I’ve seen all of that – why in the world would I sell out to this organization and be willing to serve it until my last days? That’s a good question and I’m willing to give you a straight-forward answer. First, let me tell you what else I’ve seen.

I’ve seen church members that take their faith serious and walk that out in their daily lives. I’ve seen Pastors have such an encounter with God that they live what they preach. I’ve seen choir members that were the same righteous people in public and in private. I’ve seen more preachers that were committed to their wives than I have seen the opposite. I’ve seen more Deacons support their Pastor’s than the opposite. I’ve seen church members that love people so much that they’ve given money, time, and their talents just to help someone that they’ve only met a few minutes ago. I’ve seen people cry together and laugh together. I’ve seen men connect with other men when otherwise there were walls of mistrust. I’ve seen women get restored when they’d decided they would never trust again. This list could also go on and on.

My vote is with the church.

I know it’s very interesting to mention the words church and vote in the same sentence in today’s culture. In many cases where voting takes place, the organization in question moves at the pleasure of the majority opinion. The only problem with majority opinion in the church is that many times it doesn’t always mesh with God’s opinion.

Without getting into a church policy or a church governance debate, I simply use the issue of public opinion as a link to encourage you that regardless of current public opinion regarding the church – the church is still the most God-endorsed, God-empowered, and God-enabled institution on the planet.

Today’s public opinion of both those outside and inside of the church is by and large not positive. It is a true statement that the credibility of the church many times is linked to those who represent it. And a few of those that represent it have not done a great job. But I am encouraged, because as an insider I know the good far outweighs what public opinion says. My vote is with the church because it’s Jesus’ bride and it is really supported in scripture as being a victorious body of people.

Jesus declared, “Upon this rock, will I build my church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

I firmly believe that the hope for the world today is God’s church and those uniquely tied to his church. I respect our government and its leaders. I respect many of our community agencies and the work that they are doing. I respect many of the philanthropic efforts that many are engaged in around our country and world, but the hope for the world today – is God’s church.

That’s the other reason why I’m sold out to the church. It doesn’t belong to any one person. It is God’s!

That’s not too hard to figure out. When you look at how uniquely designed the church is. That it spans over every continent and every nation. It includes every language, every race and creed. It includes every age and generation, every economic status. It includes every music influence, every gift and talent, and most of all, every personality. Only God could orchestrate and arrange such a phenomenal powerhouse.

Today, I renew my commitment to the last thing Jesus left before his transition back to the Father and the first thing that He’s coming back for – his victorious, influential, and powerful institution – the church. Will you vote with me?

Scripture Of The Day: "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." - Matthew 16:18v (NKJV)

Overseer Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Florida, currently serves as the Youth & College Pastor at Cedar Grove Tabernacle of Praise in North Carolina. He also serves as the International General Overseer of the Children & Youth Division for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. For more information, visit…

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Serve One Another With Humility Of Mind

April 11, 2010
Daily Devotional
Serve One Another With Humility Of Mind
By Bishop Keith Butler
This week's topic: The Church

Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations, which befell me by the lying in wait of the Jews. Acts 20:17

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Do you know what a good leader does? The best leaders are always those who have humility of mind. They are very strong-minded, yet, on the other hand, they know how to submit their minds to new ideas that did not come from them. They know how to bow their minds so that other information can come from other people, giving them the credit for it.

Humility is what you must have if you are going to succeed, not just in the ministry, but also in life. Listen to what the Apostle Paul had to say. He said, "You know how I have served you. I have served you with humility of mind. I have not allowed myself to become arrogant of mind, even when it came to the so-called 'religious' things of God."

In other words, he bowed his mind to the will of the Holy Ghost. He learned the ways and practices of the Holy Ghost regarding his brethren and he served them with humility of mind.

If you have humility of mind, you can serve one another. But you cannot serve if you have an arrogant mind. One reason why some people do not serve in the church is that they are high minded.

First Corinthians 1, verse 10 tells us to speak the same thing and be perfectly joined together with the same mind. So, when we do this, we come to the same judgment because it is all based on one thing -- the Word of God.

We should all speak the same thing in accordance with the Word of God. Our brother should be able to tell us, "Brother, that is not the Word. What are you doing? The Word of God says such and such." And our response should not be, "Mind your own business." No, humility says, "You are my brother. You love me. You want to see me grow."

You see, that is how iron sharpens iron. When all of us are like minded and speak the same thing, serving one another in love, then all of us will get God's results and grow in the things of God.

Scripture Of The Day: "Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." 1 Corinthians 1:10v. NKJV

Bishop Keith A. Butler is the founder and pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, MI, and Word of Faith Christian Center in San Antonio, TX. For more information about Bishop Butler, visit