Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Heart, My Chapel

My Heart, My Chapel
By Cindy Beall
This week's topic: The Church

"I'm goin' to church" is a phrase I've used more times than I can remember and to be quite honest, will probably continue to use it for the rest of my days. Because let's face it. It sounds rather odd to say, "I am now going to the building where the pastor speaks and we sing songs to praise Jesus."

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Cindy Beall
Follow and Trust Your Heart?
God. Is. Good.
I Have A File
In my 38 years of living on this earth, I have heard numerous people share their spiritual woes with me. Many are frustrated that they are in God's waiting room and that He is just not moving fast enough for their taste. There are those who just can't seem to beat the demons who keep torturing them as they try to live their lives. But probably the biggest group is the people who struggle with not feeling close to God.

Maybe you've said it.
Maybe you've said it today.

Rest assured, just because you and I don't always feel God's presence or feel close to God doesn't mean we are far from him. Quite the contrary.

Brother Lawrence, author of The Practice of the Presence of God, writes: "It isn't necessary that we stay in church in order to remain in God's presence. We can make our heart a chapel where we can go anytime to talk to God privately."

Have you ever heard anything so profound? We can make our heart a chapel.
Today, have some church in that heart of yours.

Scripture Of The Day: You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. - 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NKJV)

Cindy Beall is a Christ follower who uses her gift of exhortation by writing and mentoring women. She uses her past experiences, including the near death of her marriage, to encourage people that God truly does redeem. For more information about Cindy, log onto

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