Saturday, June 26, 2010

Who Do You Have?

Who Do You Have?
By Bishop Donald Hilliard
This week's topic: The Importance Of Family

Who protects you? When the Christians in Jerusalem wanted nothing to do with the newly converted Saul of Tarsus, Barnabas acted as his advocate. You don’t have enough voices. You need others to speak up for you.

Who shares your tears? Mary of Bethany was the only person in the room who understood what Jesus was going through as He came closer to His hour of death. She alone shared His tears.

Who’s close enough to you to pick up on the signals, to sense when fears and tears need to be shared? Yes, there are times when we need a pep talk or a shot in the arm, but there are also times when we need to be encouraged to lie low, to process our emotions. Who does that for you? Who rebukes you?

Even with 20/20 vision, one pair of eyes is not enough. You have blind spots. Satan is always ready to remind you of your good qualities. But a true friend is the one who exposes and challenges your self-seeking, self-pleasing and self-dependence, and helps you to restore to God the authority you’ve robbed Him of.

Who plays with you? Does this sound unimportant, even carnal? No! You must never let the seriousness of life override your need for recreation, a word that’s only understood when it’s hyphenated, re-creation. Who seeks God with you.

Praying together keeps us honest. It also keeps us dependent on God. We’re reluctant to open up, to get real about our areas of struggle. Yet it’s only in the honesty of shared prayer that we draw closer to God – and to one another.

Scripture Of The Day: “Two are better than one.” - Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV)

Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. is the Pastor of one church in three locations in New Jersey: Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, Cathedral Assembly by the Shore in Asbury Park, and Cathedral Assembly in the Fields in Plainfield. For more on Bishop Hilliard’s ministry, visit…

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Family: Your Greatest Asset!

Family: Your Greatest Asset!
By Dr. Frederick K.C. Price
This week's topic: The Importance Of Family

Unity in the family of God is of utmost importance to our Heavenly Father. His heart’s desire is that we be one; love each other, encourage each other, fellowship and that we come to each other’s aid. By doing these things, we become a stronger, more powerful entity in this earth realm. Only through unity can we really rule, reign, and advance in the will of God.

One thing that is intimately connected to this idea of unity is that, as the minister and his family go, so goes the church. The minister and his family should be a replica of the Body of Christ, with Jesus as the head and all of us as family members in the Body of Christ. Spiritually speaking, if the pastor does not have his life together it is going to show up in his ministry. He cannot suppress it. It is going to leak out and his congregation is going to become a reflection of whatever he really is.

When there is dissension, hard feelings, envy, selfishness, a struggle for power and all other manner of evil within the Christian family, God cannot operate as He would like to in that family – congregation. God cannot manifest His works through a Body that is filled with garbage! The flow of His Word is thwarted, and many lives are lost to sin, sickness, and poverty – lives controlled Satan.

Recently I dealt with ministers, stalwart men in the things of God, who have taken a misstep and faltered in their outward progress. The fact that these ministers faltered has in turn, adversely affected people in their respective churches. Ministers of the Gospel cannot afford to play games, yet I know too many ministers who are doing just that.

Ministers especially have a tremendous responsibility to walk by the Word, not by what the world allows. They represent God and Jesus and have a mandate from God to be what they preach. Christians ought to be so transparent that the world can look right through them! Too many ministers are playing roles much like an actor. These preachers need to realize that they are not performing a movie screen test. They are in the real world!

Part of living in the real world is being cognizant of the fact that all of us – ministers and laypeople alike – are supposed to be examples to the world on how to live. We are supposed to let our light shine before men (Matthew 5:16). The Body of Christ is a model for how our individual families should operate. The Christian family should set the standard for families in general. The lifestyle of our families should not mimic the world, but rather the Family of God.

Likewise, no book other than the Bible can adequately instruct man or woman how to be a good spouse or a good parent. For the most part, people are just jumping into life not knowing if they will sink or swim. Unfortunately, too many people sink! But Christians, you do not have to sink! Christians, you do not have to follow the ways of the world because we have the Word of God!

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that no temptation has overtaken us except such as is common to man. Nearly all of us have lived in families. Chances are that most of us will marry and raise families of our own. And, all of us will certainly be tempted.

I encourage all Christians to take a personal assessment of your own homes and make the necessary changes – now!

Scripture Of The Day: "Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father." - Proverbs 17:6 (NKJV)

Dr. Frederick K.C. Price is the founder and pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center West in Los Angeles and CCC East in Manhattan. To obtain more information about his ministry, please call (800) 927-3436 or visit

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Keeping Families Strong

Keeping Families Strong
By Taffi L. Dollar
This week's topic: The Importance Of Family

You don't have to look far these days to notice that the traditional family, as we have known it, is under attack. According to a 2001 Census report, nearly 1 of 5 adults has been divorced at least once. The Barna Group reveals that Christians are as likely as any other group to divorce. This raises serious concern. Satan is attacking our families, and we must fight back!

We do not have to stand by and accept defeat as the norm! The enemy has come only to steal, kill and destroy. This has been his intention from the beginning in the Garden of Eden. But Jesus has come so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Abundant life is a life of peace, with nothing missing or broken. God wants the best for you and your family.

The enemy uses specific tools disguised, and often innocently packaged, to tear families apart. One of his devices is selfishness. When parents become absorbed in their own activities, not only will children adapt to a selfish lifestyle, but they will also feel neglected and unloved. Often children try to replace that love with other people and activities that may not be good for them. The aftermath of selfishness then becomes a domino effect. This is why the basis for family structure should be anchored in unconditional love.

God is love and love never fails, because God never fails. Love is patient and kind. It is not irritable or prideful and does not insist on its own way. When love is not the foundation, the family structure will crumble. As a family member, whether you are a single parent, married with no children or married with children, you have a responsibility to love everyone in your household unconditionally.

Each person plays a role; children can show their love by obeying their parents and doing their chores and parents can acknowledge their children's feelings, and make them feel valued. Consider each other's concerns, and take them seriously. When family members fail to love, the entire household becomes vulnerable to satanic attack.

Distraction is another blow to families; it is a direct spin-off of selfishness. Sometimes when we become overly involved in other relationships, activities and events, we can easily drift away from God and our families. This is when balance and direction from God is needed.

Miscommunication is yet another tactic Satan uses. Many times we feel we have communicated effectively with members of our households, only to later find out that something we said was misconstrued.

It is important that you communicate effectively with your family. Always consider your motives before expressing your feelings. Also, when you are talking to someone, make sure that person understands what you are saying. Be sure to give your family members your undivided attention when they are speaking to you. Love and understanding are keys to effective communication.

Despite the enemy's attacks, your family can remain strong. Let God's Word be your foundation at all times. When you have a problem, search the Word for your answers. Remember, it is through skillful and godly wisdom a house, life, home and family are built.

Scripture Of The Day: "He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children" - Psalm 78:5 (NKJV)

Taffi L. Dollar is the vice president of World Changers Ministries, president and CEO of Arrow Records, and overseer of the Women’s Fellowship at World Changers Church International. For more information, visit

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's All In The Family

It’s All In The Family
By Bishop Vashti McKenzie
This week's topic: The Importance Of Family

All of us have relatives, whether we like it or not and whether we know some of them or none at all. There are the relatives we point to with pride, and the ones we’d rather not acknowledge at all. There are the ones who are a Godsend, and those who come from …well think of a place you don’t want to spend eternity.

It seems that all families have some of these. There’s the historian who knows all the family secrets, and the communicator who tells it all. There’s the talker who doesn’t know when to keep quiet, and the joker who laughs too loud at his own jokes. There is the one who makes sense most of the time, and one who has no sense at all. There is the family member who tries too hard, thinks too much, says the right things, makes the right moves, the nurturer, the lover, the risk taker, the detail tender, the cold fish, the late bloomer and the user.

Rick Brinkman writes that behavior in a family can be varied and diverse. Some of our relatives may be cautious, while others are carefree. He concludes that some are only there when you want them, while others are never there when you need them. Some, he notes are easily offended, while others are offensive. Some family members make sure you know how they are suffering because of you, and there are the ones who come and go like the wind without realizing the mess they leave behind. In any case, it’s all in the family.

The Bible is filled with relatives and their actions. Cain killed Able; Jacob tricked Esau; Laban switched brides on Jacob; Abraham took his son up a mountain to be sacrificed; Isaac pretended that Sarah, his wife, was his sister to stay alive in the land of the Philistines; and Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him and ended up selling him into slavery to a passing caravan. Ruth refuses to leave Naomi; sons are a heritage and children are a reward from God. Men must leave their parents to cleave to their wives. Fathers and mothers are to be honored. The Bible is filled with relatives. Just spend some time among the begats!

All of us have relatives, even Jesus. There was Mary, a young girl betroved with no outstanding achievements on her resume who submits to the favor of God and becomes the earthly mother of Jesus. Jesus’ earthly father could have embarrassed his mother but didn’t, and went on to raise another man’s child. There is his Aunt Elizabeth who gives birth in her old age. There is good ole Uncle Zechariah who initially has a problem naming the late-in-life child, John.

The gospel of Mark records that one day Jesus was conducting a revival. The family of Jesus concludes that enough was enough of this preaching and teaching. They go to the house where he was and demands that Jesus stop all this foolishness and come home with them. They acted like the relatives Brinkman calls meddlers – in everybody’s business but their own.

Jesus settles the issue by redefining the meaning of relatives. He widens the family circle by declaring that anyone who hears and does the word of God is His relative. Inclusion is not based on blood or adoptive relationship. Connectedness has nothing to do with rights or privileges granted by the laws of the land. Belonging is predicated upon obeying the word of God. This is the invitation to the family reunion.

Whether we are the family member folk love to see come or love to see go; the one who comes to the rescue of other members of the family of God or the family member constantly needing a bailout plan; we’re in, as long as we hear and obey the word of God.

Scripture Of The Day: “Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” - Mark 3:35

Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie is the presiding bishop of the 13th Episcopal District of the AME, and serves as a guiding example for women and church leaders throughout the country. For more on Bishop McKenzie, visit or hear her messages daily at…

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Family: GOD"S Divine Institution

Family: God’s Divine Institution
By Pastor Paula White
This week's topic: The Importance Of Family

God designed the family as the divine institution that – ideally -- provides a safe, nurturing, transformative environment for each of us. In God’s plan, within the circle of family we are cared for, loved and protected. It is a group of connected people growing, loving, and building together, encouraging each other’s highest potential.

The family design emerged in the very beginning of the Bible, in Genesis 2:18 -- when God created man and said, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” After creating Adam and his partner, Eve, God instructed them to “be fruitful and multiply” (see Genesis 1:28). It was always God’s intention to ‘grow’ human families; His actions and commands in Genesis illustrate His original intention – for the fullness and perfection of humanity to be found and expressed within loving relationships with others in a safe place – a ‘home’ (initially the Garden of Eden!) -- full of abundance, wholeness, and God’s blessing.

Today, research shows that God’s original intention for the family is still the perfect model for humans. Recent studies show that increased time spent enjoying family can add years to our lives. Other research has indicated that quality family relationships, rather than money, contributes to our overall, life-long happiness.

It is within our earliest relations with family members and caretakers that we experience the initial social interchanges that influence healthy self-perception and healthy relationships. Our family -- parents, older siblings, grandparents -- and caretakers nurture us during infancy and childhood while we are totally dependent. During adolescence those same parents and care-takers must learn to manage the challenges of their adolescents’ new desire for independence. Later, as teenagers and young adults, we rely on our family for guidance, advice, and comfort as we move out into the ‘real world.’ Much of how we will relate to the world during adulthood will depend on how we are impacted and molded by these foundational years in our families.

It is also within the family that we are taught to establish healthy emotional boundaries – the ability to determine and assert what our personal responsibilities are -- and aren’t…in our relationships with others. If we don’t learn healthy boundary setting in our families, we will lack the proper relational and self-care skills needed for life-success later on…in our careers, in our relationships, and in the work God has for us to do here on earth.

In Ephesians 6:14, God makes it clear that both parents and children must respect certain boundaries if the family relationships are to be kept healthy and nurturing. Children must learn to respect and listen to their parents. Parents must avoid emotionally crippling their children, and rather, always being led by God’s Word, set them on the straight path -- by loving them, nurturing them, and when necessary, responsibly disciplining them.

It is in our families that we also learn to develop our core values. Parents must instill in their children that what is important to God, must be important to them! As parents develop and mature in their own “fruit of the Spirit” -- love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness faith, meekness, and temperance – they model those attributes to their children. Encouraging gratefulness to God through shared worship and prayer time within the home are also vital keys for nurturing our families’ greatest blessing.

So take time out today to give thanks to God for His divine institution of family… His design for the perfect incubator of greatness, wholeness, and abundance!

Scripture Of The Day: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." - Ephesians 6:1-4

A life coach, author, and highly sought after motivational speaker, Pastor Paula White is the host of her own television program—Paula Today, which reaches an audience of 2.3 billion people worldwide, spearheading a number of global humanitarian efforts. Her mission in life is to Transform Lives, Heal Hearts and Win Souls. Visit http://www.paulawhite.