Keeping Families Strong
By Taffi L. Dollar
This week's topic: The Importance Of Family
You don't have to look far these days to notice that the traditional family, as we have known it, is under attack. According to a 2001 Census report, nearly 1 of 5 adults has been divorced at least once. The Barna Group reveals that Christians are as likely as any other group to divorce. This raises serious concern. Satan is attacking our families, and we must fight back!
We do not have to stand by and accept defeat as the norm! The enemy has come only to steal, kill and destroy. This has been his intention from the beginning in the Garden of Eden. But Jesus has come so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Abundant life is a life of peace, with nothing missing or broken. God wants the best for you and your family.
The enemy uses specific tools disguised, and often innocently packaged, to tear families apart. One of his devices is selfishness. When parents become absorbed in their own activities, not only will children adapt to a selfish lifestyle, but they will also feel neglected and unloved. Often children try to replace that love with other people and activities that may not be good for them. The aftermath of selfishness then becomes a domino effect. This is why the basis for family structure should be anchored in unconditional love.
God is love and love never fails, because God never fails. Love is patient and kind. It is not irritable or prideful and does not insist on its own way. When love is not the foundation, the family structure will crumble. As a family member, whether you are a single parent, married with no children or married with children, you have a responsibility to love everyone in your household unconditionally.
Each person plays a role; children can show their love by obeying their parents and doing their chores and parents can acknowledge their children's feelings, and make them feel valued. Consider each other's concerns, and take them seriously. When family members fail to love, the entire household becomes vulnerable to satanic attack.
Distraction is another blow to families; it is a direct spin-off of selfishness. Sometimes when we become overly involved in other relationships, activities and events, we can easily drift away from God and our families. This is when balance and direction from God is needed.
Miscommunication is yet another tactic Satan uses. Many times we feel we have communicated effectively with members of our households, only to later find out that something we said was misconstrued.
It is important that you communicate effectively with your family. Always consider your motives before expressing your feelings. Also, when you are talking to someone, make sure that person understands what you are saying. Be sure to give your family members your undivided attention when they are speaking to you. Love and understanding are keys to effective communication.
Despite the enemy's attacks, your family can remain strong. Let God's Word be your foundation at all times. When you have a problem, search the Word for your answers. Remember, it is through skillful and godly wisdom a house, life, home and family are built.
Scripture Of The Day: "He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children" - Psalm 78:5 (NKJV)
Taffi L. Dollar is the vice president of World Changers Ministries, president and CEO of Arrow Records, and overseer of the Women’s Fellowship at World Changers Church International. For more information, visit
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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