Saturday, February 06, 2010 Print Article
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Do You Really Believe It?
Alan Riley
Dr. Howard Hendricks used to tell his Seminary students that when he listened to most preachers preach, he wanted to interrupt them and say, "You know, I don't think you really believe what you are preaching." He said when they assured him they did believe it, he would then keep on goading them until finally they cried out with great passion, "Yes I do! I REALLY do believe this with all my heart!!!"
Hendricks says then he would sit back down and say, "Great. NOW tell us about it!"
Dr. Hendricks makes a great point. Sometimes we come across as not fully believing what we proclaim. Sometimes we don't "practice what we preach" as my grandmother used to say.
We say that we speak for a God Who is over all and knows all and is in all, yet we frequently don't behave as if we are Children of the King. We say that our Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills, yet somehow His church has trouble coming up with operating expenses.
As we continue to hear depressing economic news every week, many of us have bought into it. Over the past year or so, I have heard a lot of church folks talk about how the crisis on Wall Street is affecting the way people are tithing and consequently the way churches are allocating funds. I've heard several conversations where people are scared that their ministry would fall victim to the hard times we appear to be heading toward.
Something doesn't add up here, folks.
I have a question for you: Has the current economic situation changed God? Is He less able than He was a few weeks ago? No! In fact, God knew this was coming. The drop in the Dow Jones average didn't catch God off guard. And I am certain there is no in Heaven, and that God will continue to provide for us to do what He guides us to undertake!
If we really believe what we have been preaching all this time, this is not a time for the church to fold under the economic realities of the day! If God is our Source - and He is - and if God is leading us to do something, then we need to know that He will provide for it.
We need to practice what we preach!
Alan Riley is Vice President for Ministry and Media Development for 316 Networks (, Streaming Faith's sister media property. From 2006-2009 he served as Director of Web Operations and Managing Editor for Streaming Faith. An ordained Baptist Minister, Alan is a frequent contributor to the Streaming Faith Daily Devotional. He can sometimes be found blogging at or more often opining in 140 characters or less at
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Eliminating Doubt
Friday, February 05, 2010 Print Article
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Eliminating Doubt
Apostle Gina Prince
Eliminating doubt is a battle of the mind. We have to remain steadfast and unmovable in the word of God. This is a season of elevation and more of God's impartation.
Allow the Lord to transform your thought process. Know that God is merciful and its by grace that we are saved. Remember doubting Thomas? When Jesus came back on the scene and showed Himself to the disciples, there was one who openly said I would have to put my hands into His hand print and see Him with my very own eyes before I believe ( John 20:23-28).
When Jesus stood in front of Thomas, Thomas was amazed at His presence, he was in awe. Jesus then honored his request and left Him with these words, blessed are those who believed without seeing me (John 20:29). We have to line up with the word of God and believe who He is. We have to believe in His promises. The word says to lay down EVERYTHING, not something's, but EVERYTHING that exalts itself against the word of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).
We must not allow the spirit of doubt to hinder us from seeing the great moves of God. Everything God does is great! He works all things out for the good, for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He says to cast your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). What are you believing Him for today? What is it you are in need of today? He said in His word He will supply all of our need ( Philippians 4:19). Are you questioning His love for you? He said in His word , He loves us so much , He gave up His only begotten Son (John 3:16). Never doubt the love of The Father. He said nothing would separate his love from us (Romans 8:35-39).
Doubt can cause you to be stagnated and unable to move with the flow of the Holy Spirit. You must believe God is more then able to equip you as He advances you. There is nothing too hard for Him. Daily time seeking Him will allow you to grow and to learn more about His Sovereignty and His truths. Prayer, worship, and meditating on His word will expand your belief in Him. Remember He is a Father that can not lie, He is of truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth. The enemy is the liar, stop listening to his lies, choose to believe The Lord. He will reward all of your efforts.
Seek the Kingdom of God and all things will be added onto you (Matthew 6:33). Make a choice to believe the word of God, believe Him, and believe in His promises. You must believe in who He says He is and that He rewards them that diligently seek Him. Fear is the root of doubt. The bible says the Lord did not give us the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We have to tap into the well of hope and not allow the enemy to place doubt in our circumstances. Instead of doubting try rejoicing.
Train yourself to give thanks in the midst of the situation. Gather your thoughts and allow God to bring a calm to your spirit, so that you may be able to see things the way God sees it. The enemy's job is to stir you up with fear to cause doubt so that he can hinder your potential. Don't allow him to do it any longer. Tell the devil he is a liar and doubt is not your portion but confidence in The Lord is.
Today celebrate your trust and hope in Him who has kept you for such a time as this. This is a new day, let's call it a rebirthing of your faith. Time is ticking and the time is now. Make up your mind to be blessed by His abundance and don't let doubt or anything else stop you.
Apostle Gina R. Prince is overseer of Gospel Truth Ministries International- East Gate Church located in Washington, D.C. and outreach ministries in Charlotte, N.C. A graduate of Word Bible College/MNC, she is the author of her life's testimony "Born Into Sin, Transformed Into Destiny". For more about Apostle Prince, log onto
© Apostle Gina Prince all rights reserved.
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Eliminating Doubt
Apostle Gina Prince
Eliminating doubt is a battle of the mind. We have to remain steadfast and unmovable in the word of God. This is a season of elevation and more of God's impartation.
Allow the Lord to transform your thought process. Know that God is merciful and its by grace that we are saved. Remember doubting Thomas? When Jesus came back on the scene and showed Himself to the disciples, there was one who openly said I would have to put my hands into His hand print and see Him with my very own eyes before I believe ( John 20:23-28).
When Jesus stood in front of Thomas, Thomas was amazed at His presence, he was in awe. Jesus then honored his request and left Him with these words, blessed are those who believed without seeing me (John 20:29). We have to line up with the word of God and believe who He is. We have to believe in His promises. The word says to lay down EVERYTHING, not something's, but EVERYTHING that exalts itself against the word of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).
We must not allow the spirit of doubt to hinder us from seeing the great moves of God. Everything God does is great! He works all things out for the good, for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He says to cast your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). What are you believing Him for today? What is it you are in need of today? He said in His word He will supply all of our need ( Philippians 4:19). Are you questioning His love for you? He said in His word , He loves us so much , He gave up His only begotten Son (John 3:16). Never doubt the love of The Father. He said nothing would separate his love from us (Romans 8:35-39).
Doubt can cause you to be stagnated and unable to move with the flow of the Holy Spirit. You must believe God is more then able to equip you as He advances you. There is nothing too hard for Him. Daily time seeking Him will allow you to grow and to learn more about His Sovereignty and His truths. Prayer, worship, and meditating on His word will expand your belief in Him. Remember He is a Father that can not lie, He is of truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth. The enemy is the liar, stop listening to his lies, choose to believe The Lord. He will reward all of your efforts.
Seek the Kingdom of God and all things will be added onto you (Matthew 6:33). Make a choice to believe the word of God, believe Him, and believe in His promises. You must believe in who He says He is and that He rewards them that diligently seek Him. Fear is the root of doubt. The bible says the Lord did not give us the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We have to tap into the well of hope and not allow the enemy to place doubt in our circumstances. Instead of doubting try rejoicing.
Train yourself to give thanks in the midst of the situation. Gather your thoughts and allow God to bring a calm to your spirit, so that you may be able to see things the way God sees it. The enemy's job is to stir you up with fear to cause doubt so that he can hinder your potential. Don't allow him to do it any longer. Tell the devil he is a liar and doubt is not your portion but confidence in The Lord is.
Today celebrate your trust and hope in Him who has kept you for such a time as this. This is a new day, let's call it a rebirthing of your faith. Time is ticking and the time is now. Make up your mind to be blessed by His abundance and don't let doubt or anything else stop you.
Apostle Gina R. Prince is overseer of Gospel Truth Ministries International- East Gate Church located in Washington, D.C. and outreach ministries in Charlotte, N.C. A graduate of Word Bible College/MNC, she is the author of her life's testimony "Born Into Sin, Transformed Into Destiny". For more about Apostle Prince, log onto
© Apostle Gina Prince all rights reserved.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Plan B
Thursday, February 04, 2010 Print Article
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Plan B
Milan Ford
For as long as I can remember, I was taught to have one.
When selecting a certain field of study in school, have one.
When pursuing a particular path of employment, have one.
When researching a new savings or investment plan, have one.
Even when it came to deciding on the woman I wanted to marry, I was taught to have one.
(Although after seven great years of marriage, I'm glad I didn't follow that piece of advice.)
Through the sincere and heartfelt counsel of parents, teachers, friends, co-workers, and at times, even our pastors, many of us have grown up our entire lives listening to the value and importance of having a Plan B. We are often taught that it is through an abundance of options, and not the lack of, that a sense of security and self-assurance in this life can be obtained.
In an effort to minimize our fear of doubt or lack, we surround ourselves with alternatives, just in case the path we have chosen for ourselves has turned out to be one with unfavorable outcome. And while for many, the ability to always have a Plan B to 'fall back on' may seem to be a wise decision, when it comes to matters of faith, it can be a very unhealthy habit to maintain.
As believers, many of us live out our lives like we have a remote glued to our hands.
As soon as we see something we don't like, we quickly reach to change the channel, simply because we believe we have an option to do so. When we encounter difficulty at our jobs, we begin looking for opportunity elsewhere. When we have a disagreement with a spouse, we begin looking for agreement elsewhere. And as soon as we think our churches can no longer 'give' us what we're looking for, we begin looking to 'receive' somewhere else.
As believers, we must be very careful when our individual pursuits of a Plan B are a direct result of not knowing or believing in God's Plan A. There perhaps is nothing that displeases God more than a believer with a closed fist - one who decides that holding onto his or her Plan B is much safer than letting go and trusting in God's Plan A.
I have always been amazed at the incredible faith Abraham displayed in Genesis 22.
Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am." Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."
So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son; and he split the wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. Then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar of.
And Abraham said to this young men, "Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you." - Genesis 22:1-5
Now here is a man who God basically told to take his son, his only son, a son that he loved and cherished, and sacrifice him as an offering on a mountain. Seems like if there were ever a time someone would have had the right to ask God for a Plan B, it was Abraham.
However, instead of complaining and making some alternative suggestions to God, Abraham followed God's Plan A and took his son Isaac to the mountain as he was instructed. But check out verse 5 again.
"And Abraham said to this young men, "Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and WE will come back to you."
Now I have to admit, when I first read that passage I thought Abraham was just saying that to perhaps provide some form of comfort to the men he had brought along with him. I can only imagine how confused they had to be as to why Abraham was walking up a mountain with his son, his only son, a son that he loved and cherished, with some split wood as though he was heading to an offering...
...without a single lamb in sight.
And as we read later in verse 7, they perhaps weren't the only one confused. Isaac himself was looking for some answers from his father as well. The kind of answers many of you reading this devotional today may still be seeking God for now.
"God, where is my spouse? Where is my promotion? Where is that new business you promised me? I've followed your Plan A, but where is that lamb for a burnt offering? Where is my Plan B?"
But watch how Abraham, the father of our faith, answers his son in verse 8.
And Abraham said, "My Son, God will provide for HIMSELF the lamb for a burnt offering."
Not once in the first eight verses of this chapter did God tell Abraham that He was going to provide Abraham with a lamb to sacrifice. Not once did God let Abraham know that there was all along a Plan B that he could rely on. Not once.
So how in the world did Abraham know to tell those young men that both he AND his son would come back down from that mountain? How is that Abraham could look his son in the eyes and with unwavering faith, tell him that God will provide the answer to this test?
Simply because Abraham was already all too familiar and perhaps sick and tired of coming to God with a Plan B. Flip back and read Genesis 16 and you'll see exactly what I mean. Abraham gave up being in control, and decided to lean hard into God's Plan A, regardless of how ridiculous it may have sounded.
Are you and I really prepared to demonstrate that kind of faith today?
Remember this: Having a 'ram in the bush' is not the result of having a successful Plan B, but rather following God's Plan A. When you have no other alternatives, God then provides better choices.
Milan Ford has been a leader (and survivor) of ministry within the local church for most of his life. A lover of Red Vines Licorice and all things pointing North, Milan released his first book, 83 Things I Wish The Black Church Would Stop Doing in December (2009). You can find Milan rambling and writing at at
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Plan B
Milan Ford
For as long as I can remember, I was taught to have one.
When selecting a certain field of study in school, have one.
When pursuing a particular path of employment, have one.
When researching a new savings or investment plan, have one.
Even when it came to deciding on the woman I wanted to marry, I was taught to have one.
(Although after seven great years of marriage, I'm glad I didn't follow that piece of advice.)
Through the sincere and heartfelt counsel of parents, teachers, friends, co-workers, and at times, even our pastors, many of us have grown up our entire lives listening to the value and importance of having a Plan B. We are often taught that it is through an abundance of options, and not the lack of, that a sense of security and self-assurance in this life can be obtained.
In an effort to minimize our fear of doubt or lack, we surround ourselves with alternatives, just in case the path we have chosen for ourselves has turned out to be one with unfavorable outcome. And while for many, the ability to always have a Plan B to 'fall back on' may seem to be a wise decision, when it comes to matters of faith, it can be a very unhealthy habit to maintain.
As believers, many of us live out our lives like we have a remote glued to our hands.
As soon as we see something we don't like, we quickly reach to change the channel, simply because we believe we have an option to do so. When we encounter difficulty at our jobs, we begin looking for opportunity elsewhere. When we have a disagreement with a spouse, we begin looking for agreement elsewhere. And as soon as we think our churches can no longer 'give' us what we're looking for, we begin looking to 'receive' somewhere else.
As believers, we must be very careful when our individual pursuits of a Plan B are a direct result of not knowing or believing in God's Plan A. There perhaps is nothing that displeases God more than a believer with a closed fist - one who decides that holding onto his or her Plan B is much safer than letting go and trusting in God's Plan A.
I have always been amazed at the incredible faith Abraham displayed in Genesis 22.
Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am." Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."
So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son; and he split the wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. Then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar of.
And Abraham said to this young men, "Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you." - Genesis 22:1-5
Now here is a man who God basically told to take his son, his only son, a son that he loved and cherished, and sacrifice him as an offering on a mountain. Seems like if there were ever a time someone would have had the right to ask God for a Plan B, it was Abraham.
However, instead of complaining and making some alternative suggestions to God, Abraham followed God's Plan A and took his son Isaac to the mountain as he was instructed. But check out verse 5 again.
"And Abraham said to this young men, "Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and WE will come back to you."
Now I have to admit, when I first read that passage I thought Abraham was just saying that to perhaps provide some form of comfort to the men he had brought along with him. I can only imagine how confused they had to be as to why Abraham was walking up a mountain with his son, his only son, a son that he loved and cherished, with some split wood as though he was heading to an offering...
...without a single lamb in sight.
And as we read later in verse 7, they perhaps weren't the only one confused. Isaac himself was looking for some answers from his father as well. The kind of answers many of you reading this devotional today may still be seeking God for now.
"God, where is my spouse? Where is my promotion? Where is that new business you promised me? I've followed your Plan A, but where is that lamb for a burnt offering? Where is my Plan B?"
But watch how Abraham, the father of our faith, answers his son in verse 8.
And Abraham said, "My Son, God will provide for HIMSELF the lamb for a burnt offering."
Not once in the first eight verses of this chapter did God tell Abraham that He was going to provide Abraham with a lamb to sacrifice. Not once did God let Abraham know that there was all along a Plan B that he could rely on. Not once.
So how in the world did Abraham know to tell those young men that both he AND his son would come back down from that mountain? How is that Abraham could look his son in the eyes and with unwavering faith, tell him that God will provide the answer to this test?
Simply because Abraham was already all too familiar and perhaps sick and tired of coming to God with a Plan B. Flip back and read Genesis 16 and you'll see exactly what I mean. Abraham gave up being in control, and decided to lean hard into God's Plan A, regardless of how ridiculous it may have sounded.
Are you and I really prepared to demonstrate that kind of faith today?
Remember this: Having a 'ram in the bush' is not the result of having a successful Plan B, but rather following God's Plan A. When you have no other alternatives, God then provides better choices.
Milan Ford has been a leader (and survivor) of ministry within the local church for most of his life. A lover of Red Vines Licorice and all things pointing North, Milan released his first book, 83 Things I Wish The Black Church Would Stop Doing in December (2009). You can find Milan rambling and writing at at
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Eliminating Doubt
Wednesday, February 03, 2010 Print Article
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Eliminating Doubt
Rhonda Dent
Sometimes it seem like it takes a very long time for the things that we are trusting God for to happen. We began to get anxious and even doubtful. When we deal with other people it is understandable that we might have doubt because we are dealing with human beings who are just doing the best that they possibly can. With God and His promises there is no reason to doubt.
God has done and will do everything He said He would do and more. When things do not happen as soon as we would like them to or when we have waited as long as we think we should or when that break through takes time we can find ourselves in doubt. We get anxious and wonder where God is or if He heard our prayers. All sorts of things enter into our mind and the wait seems endless. We try to be patient, but it seems as if it is taking forever.
We often ask, "When God...When?" Often in my life as I prayed about certain things I have felt so anxious, even impatient at times. Sometimes to the point of saying, "Will this thing ever happen?" Other times asking, "Did I hear God clearly?" "Did I get my signals crossed?"
Then I began to doubt and question what I thought I knew. At other times I tried to work it out myself and just got in God's way. It is hard to be patient and wait, especially in today's world filled with instant gratification. However, we must be like Abraham who had the faith to believe that God would do what He promised. The Bible tells us that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform (Romans 4: 20-21, KJV.)
I remember as a young girl listening to older believers talk about the importance of 'knowing' something. I never could understand why people in church insisted that you 'know that you know that you know' something (followed by a head shake). At the time I had no idea what in the world they were talking about. I just knew that they believed what they were saying. But now I know and can relate to what they were saying.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) that God is in control.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He will do just what He said.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He may not come when you want, but He is right on time.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He is all knowing.
That head shake was eliminating any doubt! That head shake meant that they were fully persuaded that God would do just what He said. Instead of doubting and/or being anxious and getting in God's way let's wait patiently and realize that everything is in God's timing.
God's timing is perfect because everything about God is perfect. We need to get to the point where we do not want anything outside of His timing. If you are waiting on God for anything, wait patiently and He will bring you to that expected end.
Eliminate any doubt in your mind and be fully persuaded that God is not slack on His promises.
Rhonda Herring Dent was born and raised in Goldsboro, N.C. She is a Christian Author and her first book, Ever Changing was published in June 09. A member of Harvest Life Changers Church in Woodbridge, VA, Dent now serves as an inspirational speaker that is bringing her message of healing, hope and reconciliation to hurting souls. For more information about Rhonda Dent, log onto
© Rhonda Dent all rights reserved.
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Eliminating Doubt
Rhonda Dent
Sometimes it seem like it takes a very long time for the things that we are trusting God for to happen. We began to get anxious and even doubtful. When we deal with other people it is understandable that we might have doubt because we are dealing with human beings who are just doing the best that they possibly can. With God and His promises there is no reason to doubt.
God has done and will do everything He said He would do and more. When things do not happen as soon as we would like them to or when we have waited as long as we think we should or when that break through takes time we can find ourselves in doubt. We get anxious and wonder where God is or if He heard our prayers. All sorts of things enter into our mind and the wait seems endless. We try to be patient, but it seems as if it is taking forever.
We often ask, "When God...When?" Often in my life as I prayed about certain things I have felt so anxious, even impatient at times. Sometimes to the point of saying, "Will this thing ever happen?" Other times asking, "Did I hear God clearly?" "Did I get my signals crossed?"
Then I began to doubt and question what I thought I knew. At other times I tried to work it out myself and just got in God's way. It is hard to be patient and wait, especially in today's world filled with instant gratification. However, we must be like Abraham who had the faith to believe that God would do what He promised. The Bible tells us that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform (Romans 4: 20-21, KJV.)
I remember as a young girl listening to older believers talk about the importance of 'knowing' something. I never could understand why people in church insisted that you 'know that you know that you know' something (followed by a head shake). At the time I had no idea what in the world they were talking about. I just knew that they believed what they were saying. But now I know and can relate to what they were saying.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) that God is in control.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He will do just what He said.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He may not come when you want, but He is right on time.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He is all knowing.
That head shake was eliminating any doubt! That head shake meant that they were fully persuaded that God would do just what He said. Instead of doubting and/or being anxious and getting in God's way let's wait patiently and realize that everything is in God's timing.
God's timing is perfect because everything about God is perfect. We need to get to the point where we do not want anything outside of His timing. If you are waiting on God for anything, wait patiently and He will bring you to that expected end.
Eliminate any doubt in your mind and be fully persuaded that God is not slack on His promises.
Rhonda Herring Dent was born and raised in Goldsboro, N.C. She is a Christian Author and her first book, Ever Changing was published in June 09. A member of Harvest Life Changers Church in Woodbridge, VA, Dent now serves as an inspirational speaker that is bringing her message of healing, hope and reconciliation to hurting souls. For more information about Rhonda Dent, log onto
© Rhonda Dent all rights reserved.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Eliminating Doubt
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 Print Article
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Eliminating Doubt
John C. Richards Jr.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
All of sudden, the once rowdy group came to order. The crowd's chatter died down. It was time to start the show. The maestro had arrived and the concert was to begin. There's just something about the presence of a maestro. His presence brings order out of chaos. It signifies the beginning of a wonderful musical masterpiece.
The atmosphere becomes reverent when he shows up. He demands respect that is comparable to that of a king's coronation. Jesus is no different. He has the ability to make order out of chaos and to qualm all fears. He also has the uncanny ability to eliminate doubt in our lives. How does this happen? It happens when we follow orchestral protocol. The word 'maestro' is Italian in origin and means 'master or teacher.'
Jesus is often referred to in scripture as master or teacher. He, in essence, is the Great Maestro in our lives, tapping on the strings of our hearts to bring to order the chaos in our lives.
One of the amazing things about a maestro is his ability to maintain eye contact with his ensemble. Eye contact represents attentiveness. Any good date, interview, or business interaction is characterized by great eye contact throughout. Christ is attentive to every one of our needs; so much so that he will supply each and every one of them (Philippians 4:19).
However, our own doubt causes us to lose eye contact with our Great Maestro. Peter was well aware of this fact. In Matthew's Gospel he found himself walking on water (See Matthew 14:28-31). However, his inability to maintain eye contact caused him to doubt the very thing that Jesus already told him that he could do. Eye contact with Jesus was so key when Peter walked on the Sea of Galilee that when it was lost, Peter began to sink.
Many times we can get bogged down in the waves of life and forget about the necessity of eye contact. How am I going to pay this bill? Splish. Will I ever get married? Splash. When can I start a job in the field in which I really want to work? Splash. Ask any tight rope walker and they will tell you: the key to reaching your destination is found in your ability to keep your eye on the goal. Don't look down. The apostle Paul said it best: We are called to "press toward [our] goals..." (Philippians 3:14).
Maintaining eye contact with Jesus is important when trying to eliminate doubt. Even the best musician in an orchestra can wind up being a failure if he misses his cue from the maestro. Without that visual cue, the orchestra member begins to doubt his/her role in the composition.
Where are your eyes?
Where is your focus?
Are you beginning to doubt your role in God's great composition?
I want to encourage you to refocus on the One who wrote the piece and knows your role better than anyone else. It is then, and only then, that you can begin to eliminate doubt in your life and live the life that God has called you to live. You play an important role in God's work. Without you, the harmony is slightly off.
Without you, the composition is incomplete. Stay focused, give the Maestro your undivided attention, and watch the masterpiece unfold before your eyes.
John C. Richards, Jr., Esq. is a husband, writer, attorney, and student. While an attorney by career choice, he is involved in local ministry in the urban Los Angeles area and remains passionate about juvenile justice. He is concluding his final year at Fuller Theological Seminary, and is currently on staff at Hope Community Church in Pasadena, California. For more information about John, log onto
© John C. Richards Jr. all rights reserv
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Eliminating Doubt
John C. Richards Jr.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
All of sudden, the once rowdy group came to order. The crowd's chatter died down. It was time to start the show. The maestro had arrived and the concert was to begin. There's just something about the presence of a maestro. His presence brings order out of chaos. It signifies the beginning of a wonderful musical masterpiece.
The atmosphere becomes reverent when he shows up. He demands respect that is comparable to that of a king's coronation. Jesus is no different. He has the ability to make order out of chaos and to qualm all fears. He also has the uncanny ability to eliminate doubt in our lives. How does this happen? It happens when we follow orchestral protocol. The word 'maestro' is Italian in origin and means 'master or teacher.'
Jesus is often referred to in scripture as master or teacher. He, in essence, is the Great Maestro in our lives, tapping on the strings of our hearts to bring to order the chaos in our lives.
One of the amazing things about a maestro is his ability to maintain eye contact with his ensemble. Eye contact represents attentiveness. Any good date, interview, or business interaction is characterized by great eye contact throughout. Christ is attentive to every one of our needs; so much so that he will supply each and every one of them (Philippians 4:19).
However, our own doubt causes us to lose eye contact with our Great Maestro. Peter was well aware of this fact. In Matthew's Gospel he found himself walking on water (See Matthew 14:28-31). However, his inability to maintain eye contact caused him to doubt the very thing that Jesus already told him that he could do. Eye contact with Jesus was so key when Peter walked on the Sea of Galilee that when it was lost, Peter began to sink.
Many times we can get bogged down in the waves of life and forget about the necessity of eye contact. How am I going to pay this bill? Splish. Will I ever get married? Splash. When can I start a job in the field in which I really want to work? Splash. Ask any tight rope walker and they will tell you: the key to reaching your destination is found in your ability to keep your eye on the goal. Don't look down. The apostle Paul said it best: We are called to "press toward [our] goals..." (Philippians 3:14).
Maintaining eye contact with Jesus is important when trying to eliminate doubt. Even the best musician in an orchestra can wind up being a failure if he misses his cue from the maestro. Without that visual cue, the orchestra member begins to doubt his/her role in the composition.
Where are your eyes?
Where is your focus?
Are you beginning to doubt your role in God's great composition?
I want to encourage you to refocus on the One who wrote the piece and knows your role better than anyone else. It is then, and only then, that you can begin to eliminate doubt in your life and live the life that God has called you to live. You play an important role in God's work. Without you, the harmony is slightly off.
Without you, the composition is incomplete. Stay focused, give the Maestro your undivided attention, and watch the masterpiece unfold before your eyes.
John C. Richards, Jr., Esq. is a husband, writer, attorney, and student. While an attorney by career choice, he is involved in local ministry in the urban Los Angeles area and remains passionate about juvenile justice. He is concluding his final year at Fuller Theological Seminary, and is currently on staff at Hope Community Church in Pasadena, California. For more information about John, log onto
© John C. Richards Jr. all rights reserv
Monday, February 1, 2010
Beyond The Shadow of Doubt
Monday, February 01, 2010 Print Article
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Beyond The Shadow Of Doubt
Bonnie St. John
Numbers 6:26 (NKJV) - "May the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."
Every day we are faced with literally hundreds of decisions. I don't think it's possible to get through even a few minutes without deciding something. Most of these decisions are relatively inconsequential, like where to put your car keys so you'll be able to find them later, or what to eat (or not eat) for lunch. Some decisions, though, transcend our daily rituals and have real, lasting impact on our lives. It is in these times, when faced with choices that truly matter, that we look to the Lord for guidance.
Some of these decisions are easy. You know what is right and what is wrong. There is very little doubt about what to do. You may not want to do the right thing, but at least you know what it is. So the decision is easy, even if following through is hard.
Knowing the right path to take can be very difficult, however, when the choice between "right" and "wrong" is not so clear. As Thomas Payne so eloquently put it when discussing the call to arms in our American Revolution: "These are the times that try men's souls..."
In the times that try my soul, I often find myself completely consumed. I fret and worry about the "what if's" - what if this happens, or what if that happens. It's awful! I find that a tough decision can soak up my energy for weeks as I wrestle with it in the back of my mind. The decision pulls at me, back and forth, and commands my attention even when I try to put it aside.
In writing my book, HOW STRONG WOMEN PRAY, this struggle with right and wrong, with confidence and doubt, became a common theme with the women I interviewed. And guess what? It turns out there's an easy way to get an enormous amount of clarity, focus, and strength when facing a seemingly impossible decision: Pray about it!
Martha Williamson, producer of the award winning TV show "," spoke to me about the day she decided to accept the job and take on this rather unusual show.
When the opportunity was presented before her, Martha happened to be in a foul mood. A pilot she had created around an idea she was really passionate about had been just been summarily rejected by all the networks. She was at home, licking her wounds, when her agent sent her a script for a show called "Angels in the Attic." The angels swore, drank, and smoked. They flew around like idiots, with huge wings that resembled venetian blinds! She told her agent it offended every Christian principle she had and she wanted nothing to do with it.
But something bothered her. She couldn't find peace about this decision. And then it hit her: She didn't pray about it!
"Why is it the last thing we think about instead of the first thing?" Martha said to me.
Well, she prayed and prayed. God lead her to reconsider her decision. She took that ridiculous germ of an idea, threw out that horrible script, and created one of the most beloved television shows of all time.
Now, sometimes even praying can leave you feeling conflicted and still filled with doubt. It can take quite a while for the final decision to manifest itself. But with our faith in God, we know it always will.
Supermodel and businesswoman Kathy Ireland gave me some valuable advice on this point: "God is a God of peace. If you don't feel at peace about your decision, then it's not God's will."
When I am wrestling over a tough decision, this advice is a real touchstone for me. If I am not at peace, I'm not quite getting to God's answer. If I have doubts, if I still feel that churning in my tummy, God still has more work to do. And I have more listening to do. So, I take my time. I pray. I listen. I open my heart to His spirit within me. And then, I make His decision.
A professional speaker and Olympic medalist, Bonnie St. John has appeared on the Today Show, CNN, the 700 Club, and Life Today. The author of How Strong Women Pray and Live Your Joy, Bonnie St. John is committed to reaching out to the world with a message of triumph over circumstance. For more information about Bonnie, log onto or read her blog at
© Bonnie St. John all rights reserved.
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Beyond The Shadow Of Doubt
Bonnie St. John
Numbers 6:26 (NKJV) - "May the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."
Every day we are faced with literally hundreds of decisions. I don't think it's possible to get through even a few minutes without deciding something. Most of these decisions are relatively inconsequential, like where to put your car keys so you'll be able to find them later, or what to eat (or not eat) for lunch. Some decisions, though, transcend our daily rituals and have real, lasting impact on our lives. It is in these times, when faced with choices that truly matter, that we look to the Lord for guidance.
Some of these decisions are easy. You know what is right and what is wrong. There is very little doubt about what to do. You may not want to do the right thing, but at least you know what it is. So the decision is easy, even if following through is hard.
Knowing the right path to take can be very difficult, however, when the choice between "right" and "wrong" is not so clear. As Thomas Payne so eloquently put it when discussing the call to arms in our American Revolution: "These are the times that try men's souls..."
In the times that try my soul, I often find myself completely consumed. I fret and worry about the "what if's" - what if this happens, or what if that happens. It's awful! I find that a tough decision can soak up my energy for weeks as I wrestle with it in the back of my mind. The decision pulls at me, back and forth, and commands my attention even when I try to put it aside.
In writing my book, HOW STRONG WOMEN PRAY, this struggle with right and wrong, with confidence and doubt, became a common theme with the women I interviewed. And guess what? It turns out there's an easy way to get an enormous amount of clarity, focus, and strength when facing a seemingly impossible decision: Pray about it!
Martha Williamson, producer of the award winning TV show "," spoke to me about the day she decided to accept the job and take on this rather unusual show.
When the opportunity was presented before her, Martha happened to be in a foul mood. A pilot she had created around an idea she was really passionate about had been just been summarily rejected by all the networks. She was at home, licking her wounds, when her agent sent her a script for a show called "Angels in the Attic." The angels swore, drank, and smoked. They flew around like idiots, with huge wings that resembled venetian blinds! She told her agent it offended every Christian principle she had and she wanted nothing to do with it.
But something bothered her. She couldn't find peace about this decision. And then it hit her: She didn't pray about it!
"Why is it the last thing we think about instead of the first thing?" Martha said to me.
Well, she prayed and prayed. God lead her to reconsider her decision. She took that ridiculous germ of an idea, threw out that horrible script, and created one of the most beloved television shows of all time.
Now, sometimes even praying can leave you feeling conflicted and still filled with doubt. It can take quite a while for the final decision to manifest itself. But with our faith in God, we know it always will.
Supermodel and businesswoman Kathy Ireland gave me some valuable advice on this point: "God is a God of peace. If you don't feel at peace about your decision, then it's not God's will."
When I am wrestling over a tough decision, this advice is a real touchstone for me. If I am not at peace, I'm not quite getting to God's answer. If I have doubts, if I still feel that churning in my tummy, God still has more work to do. And I have more listening to do. So, I take my time. I pray. I listen. I open my heart to His spirit within me. And then, I make His decision.
A professional speaker and Olympic medalist, Bonnie St. John has appeared on the Today Show, CNN, the 700 Club, and Life Today. The author of How Strong Women Pray and Live Your Joy, Bonnie St. John is committed to reaching out to the world with a message of triumph over circumstance. For more information about Bonnie, log onto or read her blog at
© Bonnie St. John all rights reserved.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Becoming Super Friends
Sunday, January 31, 2010 Print Article
Becoming Super Friends!
Shaam Jones
Rev is slated to begin a new course next Saturday, February 6th entitled, “Practicing What Your Preach” which got me to thinking about those I call friends outside of EBC. Oftentimes they see me coming and going to EBC-related activities; and have come to now accept that my EBC “friends” are of great importance to me. Some of them though at times take offense at how close I’ve drawn to some of my “Super Friends” at EBC and rightfully question my loyalty to our friendships. Like everything is life, friendships go through growth periods. That’s why I’m recognizing and acknowledging God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!

"Super Friends" bonding on the men's retreat!!!
Remember, God gave you that position you’re in as a man of purpose, it’s time for you to keep it really real and support God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
What kind of friend are you to others? Be real with yourself.
“Victory In Your Friendship” as I heard Rev share the title for this mornings sermon drawn from 1 Samuel 20:35-42 via, I thought about many of the friendships that we forge as The Frontliners. Think about it, each of us has a distinctive story that adds a unique flavor to our always thought-provoking conversations at 2nd & 4th Thursday night meetings @ 7 p.m. in EBC’s parlor.
These growing friendships have helped many of us become better friends to others and even more important, truer friends to ourselves. We’re now proactively changing the choices we make and becoming better, more purposeful friends of God everyday.
No, none of us is perfect. That’s why we thank God that He is!
As we grow in putting our faith in practice, some of us are even becoming “Super Friends” because we’ve invited God into our midst, just like Jonathan and David. Frontliners, as men of purpose, we are now beloved sons of God. Being members of the Beloved community of faith (“Super Friends”) calls us to be loving of others that may feel loveable. Why? We’ve been given the gift of God’s love so that we can spread love. Frontliners, think of us as “God’s Street Team for L-O-V-E.”
Isn’t it such a privilege and honor to a favored “friend” of God?
Well guess what? As sons of God, we are not called to be so EBC-bound that we lose sight of the needs of those still at home, in our workplace, and those we pass by in our own neighborhoods that are still lost. Those men that could truly benefit for the invitation of a friend, a friend like you. That young teenager without a role model. He needs a friend. A co-worker going through a tough time in their relationship. He needs a friend. Your son who is straying into wrongfulness. He needs a friend. We are called to open our eyes, and to extend an invitation to those that desire to be found and remixed by God.
Remember, God gave you that position you’re in as a man of purpose, it’s time for you to keep it really real and support God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
God wants each of us to experience victory in our friendships. Is your shoulder missing from the work of God? Then become a better steward of the gift of the friendships that God has given you. Holla @ your “Jonathan” that you’ve lost touch with. Invite them to next Sundays SUPERBOWL BASH @ 5 p.m. @ EBC. Tell them to meet us on the 2nd floor, and encourage them to come ready to cheer as you put into practice your hoped desire to find “Victory In Your Friendships.”
Invite someone at work or in your neighborhood to become a “Super Friend.” It’s time to actively engage in being friends by extending the invitation to meet us on the frontlines “where the fighting is the fiercest” and the cheering is the loudest as be bond as men becoming “Super Friends.” This is your change to have “Victory In Your Friendships.”
Shaam Jones is co-servant leader of The Frontliners men’s ministry at EBC, located in Brooklyn, New York. An author and print-to-broadcast media content producer he is a single-dad that will be rooting for the New Orleans Saints to win the 2010 SuperBowl!
Becoming Super Friends!
Shaam Jones
Rev is slated to begin a new course next Saturday, February 6th entitled, “Practicing What Your Preach” which got me to thinking about those I call friends outside of EBC. Oftentimes they see me coming and going to EBC-related activities; and have come to now accept that my EBC “friends” are of great importance to me. Some of them though at times take offense at how close I’ve drawn to some of my “Super Friends” at EBC and rightfully question my loyalty to our friendships. Like everything is life, friendships go through growth periods. That’s why I’m recognizing and acknowledging God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
"Super Friends" bonding on the men's retreat!!!
Remember, God gave you that position you’re in as a man of purpose, it’s time for you to keep it really real and support God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
What kind of friend are you to others? Be real with yourself.
“Victory In Your Friendship” as I heard Rev share the title for this mornings sermon drawn from 1 Samuel 20:35-42 via, I thought about many of the friendships that we forge as The Frontliners. Think about it, each of us has a distinctive story that adds a unique flavor to our always thought-provoking conversations at 2nd & 4th Thursday night meetings @ 7 p.m. in EBC’s parlor.
These growing friendships have helped many of us become better friends to others and even more important, truer friends to ourselves. We’re now proactively changing the choices we make and becoming better, more purposeful friends of God everyday.
No, none of us is perfect. That’s why we thank God that He is!
As we grow in putting our faith in practice, some of us are even becoming “Super Friends” because we’ve invited God into our midst, just like Jonathan and David. Frontliners, as men of purpose, we are now beloved sons of God. Being members of the Beloved community of faith (“Super Friends”) calls us to be loving of others that may feel loveable. Why? We’ve been given the gift of God’s love so that we can spread love. Frontliners, think of us as “God’s Street Team for L-O-V-E.”
Isn’t it such a privilege and honor to a favored “friend” of God?
Well guess what? As sons of God, we are not called to be so EBC-bound that we lose sight of the needs of those still at home, in our workplace, and those we pass by in our own neighborhoods that are still lost. Those men that could truly benefit for the invitation of a friend, a friend like you. That young teenager without a role model. He needs a friend. A co-worker going through a tough time in their relationship. He needs a friend. Your son who is straying into wrongfulness. He needs a friend. We are called to open our eyes, and to extend an invitation to those that desire to be found and remixed by God.
Remember, God gave you that position you’re in as a man of purpose, it’s time for you to keep it really real and support God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
God wants each of us to experience victory in our friendships. Is your shoulder missing from the work of God? Then become a better steward of the gift of the friendships that God has given you. Holla @ your “Jonathan” that you’ve lost touch with. Invite them to next Sundays SUPERBOWL BASH @ 5 p.m. @ EBC. Tell them to meet us on the 2nd floor, and encourage them to come ready to cheer as you put into practice your hoped desire to find “Victory In Your Friendships.”
Invite someone at work or in your neighborhood to become a “Super Friend.” It’s time to actively engage in being friends by extending the invitation to meet us on the frontlines “where the fighting is the fiercest” and the cheering is the loudest as be bond as men becoming “Super Friends.” This is your change to have “Victory In Your Friendships.”
Shaam Jones is co-servant leader of The Frontliners men’s ministry at EBC, located in Brooklyn, New York. An author and print-to-broadcast media content producer he is a single-dad that will be rooting for the New Orleans Saints to win the 2010 SuperBowl!
Doubt: The Faith Shrinker
Monday, January 31, 2010 Print Article
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Doubt: The Faith Shrinker
Latasha Morrison
It's a new year, a new season! I think we all begin the year with this enthusiasm and excitement. A New year means a clean slate, a new beginning, putting the past behind us, letting go, pressing forward, an end to old transgressions, doing the next right thing; I could go on and on with the clichés.
At the beginning of the year, we glance back at the previous year and we are focused; nothing can stop us. Many people will create lists, make declarations, commit to new projects, and make new resolutions. I have to admit that I'm guilty of this too! Don't get me wrong; I don't view these actions as wrong or sinful. I think it is very helpful to set goals and make plans to keep you on track for the New Year.
My bigger issue is what happens after the first quarter or, for some, after the first 30 days. We begin the year full of FAITH. We see all things are possible; we feel bold and courageous; we celebrate and rejoice in the possibilities we see the Lord doing in the New Year. Then something happens soon after and the excitement of the New Year subsides. This something is called DOUBT.
Doubt is the enemy of Faith and breeds FEAR and DISCOURAGEMENT. Doubt is the Father of distrust and brother to low self-confidence. It is a tool the enemy uses to drive a wedge between you and your heavenly Father. We know that without Faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Doubt is the predecessor of Fear, which is birthed in our lack of confidence in the promises of God.
Our entire relationship with the Lord is centered on our Faith in the word of God. Faith is a major part of the foundation of our Christian faith. Time and time again throughout the bible we read stories of defeat due to a person's doubt. Abraham doubted that he would become a Father to nations and took matters into his own hands. Elijah had doubt in the Lord's protection against Jezebel and fled for his life. The Jews had doubt that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
Throughout biblical history whenever man attempts to create an alternate path, he is unquestionably led by doubt. Doubt has spawned rebellious nations, corrupt leadership, other religions, heresy, bigotry, sin, and death.
In Matthew 20:20-21, Jesus explains the parable of the Fig Tree when the disciples asked how the fig tree withered so quickly. Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't DOUBT, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."
Here we see it is not about the task or how big the issue; it is the Faith we place behind the task ahead. Faith produces action and fruit. Doubt destroys and plucks out your faith. This year you will face situations that will throw a wrench in your plan; it may even take you on a detour. You may face trials you never saw coming, tribulations that are so insurmountable you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. In those times, we must hold true to our faith and the promises of God, no matter what the circumstances look like or how bleak the situation may be.
The God we serve is Faithful. The situations we view as mountainous are nonexistent in the Lord's eyes. Just know that everything you go through is FOR YOU. The Lord will use the mountainous of situations to build character, to demonstrate His Glory, to make His name Known and to display His Fame. You will come out of the situations refined, reformed and most of all redeemed. I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread (Psalm 37:25).
The Lord of Host is calling out to you; to stay faithful, to stay committed, to stay the course, to work the plan, and to keep your mind and heart pure. We must continue the path he has set for us despite the bumps in the road. We must finish strong. To do this, we must eliminate all seeds of doubt by becoming solidly rooted in the confidence that God is FAITHFUL. We must act decisively on misgiving by recalling the Lord's past faithfulness.
We must remember His promises by meditating on his Word. We grow our faith through his word daily. Psalm 41:12 tells us that the Father is always present with his Children. This assures us that we are not alone in our battles, challenges, or setbacks. Choose to believe God this year for his promises; he has a great track record from creation to present.
Human nature alone makes us all vulnerable to doubt.
Trust God so that uncertainty does not shrink your Faith.
Latasha Morrison has dedicated her life to teaching students how to discover and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In 1996, Latasha assisted with in the planting of Destiny Metropolitan Worship Church, where she served as the Life Development Director and Youth Initiatives Director. She now facilitates annual workshops, seminars and conferences for other youth leaders and students. For more information about Latasha Morrison, you can either log onto or follow her
© Latasha Morrison all rights reserved.
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Doubt: The Faith Shrinker
Latasha Morrison
It's a new year, a new season! I think we all begin the year with this enthusiasm and excitement. A New year means a clean slate, a new beginning, putting the past behind us, letting go, pressing forward, an end to old transgressions, doing the next right thing; I could go on and on with the clichés.
At the beginning of the year, we glance back at the previous year and we are focused; nothing can stop us. Many people will create lists, make declarations, commit to new projects, and make new resolutions. I have to admit that I'm guilty of this too! Don't get me wrong; I don't view these actions as wrong or sinful. I think it is very helpful to set goals and make plans to keep you on track for the New Year.
My bigger issue is what happens after the first quarter or, for some, after the first 30 days. We begin the year full of FAITH. We see all things are possible; we feel bold and courageous; we celebrate and rejoice in the possibilities we see the Lord doing in the New Year. Then something happens soon after and the excitement of the New Year subsides. This something is called DOUBT.
Doubt is the enemy of Faith and breeds FEAR and DISCOURAGEMENT. Doubt is the Father of distrust and brother to low self-confidence. It is a tool the enemy uses to drive a wedge between you and your heavenly Father. We know that without Faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Doubt is the predecessor of Fear, which is birthed in our lack of confidence in the promises of God.
Our entire relationship with the Lord is centered on our Faith in the word of God. Faith is a major part of the foundation of our Christian faith. Time and time again throughout the bible we read stories of defeat due to a person's doubt. Abraham doubted that he would become a Father to nations and took matters into his own hands. Elijah had doubt in the Lord's protection against Jezebel and fled for his life. The Jews had doubt that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
Throughout biblical history whenever man attempts to create an alternate path, he is unquestionably led by doubt. Doubt has spawned rebellious nations, corrupt leadership, other religions, heresy, bigotry, sin, and death.
In Matthew 20:20-21, Jesus explains the parable of the Fig Tree when the disciples asked how the fig tree withered so quickly. Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't DOUBT, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."
Here we see it is not about the task or how big the issue; it is the Faith we place behind the task ahead. Faith produces action and fruit. Doubt destroys and plucks out your faith. This year you will face situations that will throw a wrench in your plan; it may even take you on a detour. You may face trials you never saw coming, tribulations that are so insurmountable you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. In those times, we must hold true to our faith and the promises of God, no matter what the circumstances look like or how bleak the situation may be.
The God we serve is Faithful. The situations we view as mountainous are nonexistent in the Lord's eyes. Just know that everything you go through is FOR YOU. The Lord will use the mountainous of situations to build character, to demonstrate His Glory, to make His name Known and to display His Fame. You will come out of the situations refined, reformed and most of all redeemed. I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread (Psalm 37:25).
The Lord of Host is calling out to you; to stay faithful, to stay committed, to stay the course, to work the plan, and to keep your mind and heart pure. We must continue the path he has set for us despite the bumps in the road. We must finish strong. To do this, we must eliminate all seeds of doubt by becoming solidly rooted in the confidence that God is FAITHFUL. We must act decisively on misgiving by recalling the Lord's past faithfulness.
We must remember His promises by meditating on his Word. We grow our faith through his word daily. Psalm 41:12 tells us that the Father is always present with his Children. This assures us that we are not alone in our battles, challenges, or setbacks. Choose to believe God this year for his promises; he has a great track record from creation to present.
Human nature alone makes us all vulnerable to doubt.
Trust God so that uncertainty does not shrink your Faith.
Latasha Morrison has dedicated her life to teaching students how to discover and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In 1996, Latasha assisted with in the planting of Destiny Metropolitan Worship Church, where she served as the Life Development Director and Youth Initiatives Director. She now facilitates annual workshops, seminars and conferences for other youth leaders and students. For more information about Latasha Morrison, you can either log onto or follow her
© Latasha Morrison all rights reserved.
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