Monday, January 31, 2010 Print Article
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Doubt: The Faith Shrinker
Latasha Morrison
It's a new year, a new season! I think we all begin the year with this enthusiasm and excitement. A New year means a clean slate, a new beginning, putting the past behind us, letting go, pressing forward, an end to old transgressions, doing the next right thing; I could go on and on with the clichés.
At the beginning of the year, we glance back at the previous year and we are focused; nothing can stop us. Many people will create lists, make declarations, commit to new projects, and make new resolutions. I have to admit that I'm guilty of this too! Don't get me wrong; I don't view these actions as wrong or sinful. I think it is very helpful to set goals and make plans to keep you on track for the New Year.
My bigger issue is what happens after the first quarter or, for some, after the first 30 days. We begin the year full of FAITH. We see all things are possible; we feel bold and courageous; we celebrate and rejoice in the possibilities we see the Lord doing in the New Year. Then something happens soon after and the excitement of the New Year subsides. This something is called DOUBT.
Doubt is the enemy of Faith and breeds FEAR and DISCOURAGEMENT. Doubt is the Father of distrust and brother to low self-confidence. It is a tool the enemy uses to drive a wedge between you and your heavenly Father. We know that without Faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Doubt is the predecessor of Fear, which is birthed in our lack of confidence in the promises of God.
Our entire relationship with the Lord is centered on our Faith in the word of God. Faith is a major part of the foundation of our Christian faith. Time and time again throughout the bible we read stories of defeat due to a person's doubt. Abraham doubted that he would become a Father to nations and took matters into his own hands. Elijah had doubt in the Lord's protection against Jezebel and fled for his life. The Jews had doubt that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
Throughout biblical history whenever man attempts to create an alternate path, he is unquestionably led by doubt. Doubt has spawned rebellious nations, corrupt leadership, other religions, heresy, bigotry, sin, and death.
In Matthew 20:20-21, Jesus explains the parable of the Fig Tree when the disciples asked how the fig tree withered so quickly. Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't DOUBT, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."
Here we see it is not about the task or how big the issue; it is the Faith we place behind the task ahead. Faith produces action and fruit. Doubt destroys and plucks out your faith. This year you will face situations that will throw a wrench in your plan; it may even take you on a detour. You may face trials you never saw coming, tribulations that are so insurmountable you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. In those times, we must hold true to our faith and the promises of God, no matter what the circumstances look like or how bleak the situation may be.
The God we serve is Faithful. The situations we view as mountainous are nonexistent in the Lord's eyes. Just know that everything you go through is FOR YOU. The Lord will use the mountainous of situations to build character, to demonstrate His Glory, to make His name Known and to display His Fame. You will come out of the situations refined, reformed and most of all redeemed. I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread (Psalm 37:25).
The Lord of Host is calling out to you; to stay faithful, to stay committed, to stay the course, to work the plan, and to keep your mind and heart pure. We must continue the path he has set for us despite the bumps in the road. We must finish strong. To do this, we must eliminate all seeds of doubt by becoming solidly rooted in the confidence that God is FAITHFUL. We must act decisively on misgiving by recalling the Lord's past faithfulness.
We must remember His promises by meditating on his Word. We grow our faith through his word daily. Psalm 41:12 tells us that the Father is always present with his Children. This assures us that we are not alone in our battles, challenges, or setbacks. Choose to believe God this year for his promises; he has a great track record from creation to present.
Human nature alone makes us all vulnerable to doubt.
Trust God so that uncertainty does not shrink your Faith.
Latasha Morrison has dedicated her life to teaching students how to discover and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In 1996, Latasha assisted with in the planting of Destiny Metropolitan Worship Church, where she served as the Life Development Director and Youth Initiatives Director. She now facilitates annual workshops, seminars and conferences for other youth leaders and students. For more information about Latasha Morrison, you can either log onto or follow her
© Latasha Morrison all rights reserved.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
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