Becoming Super Friends!
Shaam Jones
Rev is slated to begin a new course next Saturday, February 6th entitled, “Practicing What Your Preach” which got me to thinking about those I call friends outside of EBC. Oftentimes they see me coming and going to EBC-related activities; and have come to now accept that my EBC “friends” are of great importance to me. Some of them though at times take offense at how close I’ve drawn to some of my “Super Friends” at EBC and rightfully question my loyalty to our friendships. Like everything is life, friendships go through growth periods. That’s why I’m recognizing and acknowledging God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
"Super Friends" bonding on the men's retreat!!!
Remember, God gave you that position you’re in as a man of purpose, it’s time for you to keep it really real and support God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
What kind of friend are you to others? Be real with yourself.
“Victory In Your Friendship” as I heard Rev share the title for this mornings sermon drawn from 1 Samuel 20:35-42 via streamingfaith.com, I thought about many of the friendships that we forge as The Frontliners. Think about it, each of us has a distinctive story that adds a unique flavor to our always thought-provoking conversations at 2nd & 4th Thursday night meetings @ 7 p.m. in EBC’s parlor.
These growing friendships have helped many of us become better friends to others and even more important, truer friends to ourselves. We’re now proactively changing the choices we make and becoming better, more purposeful friends of God everyday.
No, none of us is perfect. That’s why we thank God that He is!
As we grow in putting our faith in practice, some of us are even becoming “Super Friends” because we’ve invited God into our midst, just like Jonathan and David. Frontliners, as men of purpose, we are now beloved sons of God. Being members of the Beloved community of faith (“Super Friends”) calls us to be loving of others that may feel loveable. Why? We’ve been given the gift of God’s love so that we can spread love. Frontliners, think of us as “God’s Street Team for L-O-V-E.”
Isn’t it such a privilege and honor to a favored “friend” of God?
Well guess what? As sons of God, we are not called to be so EBC-bound that we lose sight of the needs of those still at home, in our workplace, and those we pass by in our own neighborhoods that are still lost. Those men that could truly benefit for the invitation of a friend, a friend like you. That young teenager without a role model. He needs a friend. A co-worker going through a tough time in their relationship. He needs a friend. Your son who is straying into wrongfulness. He needs a friend. We are called to open our eyes, and to extend an invitation to those that desire to be found and remixed by God.
Remember, God gave you that position you’re in as a man of purpose, it’s time for you to keep it really real and support God’s team mission: Becoming Super Friends!
God wants each of us to experience victory in our friendships. Is your shoulder missing from the work of God? Then become a better steward of the gift of the friendships that God has given you. Holla @ your “Jonathan” that you’ve lost touch with. Invite them to next Sundays SUPERBOWL BASH @ 5 p.m. @ EBC. Tell them to meet us on the 2nd floor, and encourage them to come ready to cheer as you put into practice your hoped desire to find “Victory In Your Friendships.”
Invite someone at work or in your neighborhood to become a “Super Friend.” It’s time to actively engage in being friends by extending the invitation to meet us on the frontlines “where the fighting is the fiercest” and the cheering is the loudest as be bond as men becoming “Super Friends.” This is your change to have “Victory In Your Friendships.”
Shaam Jones is co-servant leader of The Frontliners men’s ministry at EBC, located in Brooklyn, New York. An author and print-to-broadcast media content producer he is a single-dad that will be rooting for the New Orleans Saints to win the 2010 SuperBowl!
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