By Shaam Jones for The Frontliners of EBC
I overslept again! I got up and frantically rushed around the house trying to get out the door, only to discover that there was no hot water, and my button-up shirt that I hand washed the night before was still too damp to wear. I was tempted to resort to my old school, played out ways and start cussing and fussing. But then a sense of calmness came over me.
I said a quick prayer aloud. “Father God, come into my heart and show me Your will and purpose for me this morning. Quiet my stress-filled mind and remove my double-mindedness. Fill me with Your Spirit and guide me in this moment. This is my prayer as Your son, amen, amen, amen.”
I heard an audible voice say: Do you already! So, of course I had a 1 Samuel 3:4 ah-ha moment. I asked, God affirmatively answered, “” Then I reached over to my nightstand and opened up my laptop.
Thank God for on those mornings when ‘Bedside Baptist’ is where I have to join in fellowship with other Emmanuelites. It has been a Godsend whenever I’m on the road traveling for business and find myself in a strange hotel, away from the safety of home with a nightstand Bible as my only weapon against the temptations of provocative cable programming, and faceless strangers in the bar downstairs.
It is in these moments I’m glad that I’m a mobile professional with wireless access, and I can log onto to hear sermon podcasts in the archives, look at photos of my brothers on the frontlines, and reminisce about all the memorable experiences I’ve had as a member of this community of faith.
Being able to log onto, click the “Live” tab and scroll down to “10:00 am” where I look for the “Live Now” icon next to “Emmanuel Baptist Church, Anthony L. Trufant” is such a much-appreciated resource when I am physically disconnected from my EBC family. And you can take notes while you watch.
I’m glad that EBC is a 21st century ministry that personifies its call to purpose “Connecting People to Christ.”
So, I logged on and joined into praise and worship with Total Praise being led by Pastor Haye this morning in my PJs. I sang without being self-conscious of who heard me, because I’m not much of a singer (lol).
Then Rev began by asking two thought-provoking questions:
1. Who has helped you stay in New York ?
2. Who do you believe the Spirit is prompting you to help stay in New York ?
And I turned to the mirror (lol – my neighbors went to service) I repeated: “God wants us to help each other”
I thought, “Hmm…interesting…” so I turned up the volume a bit more.
Then I joined in our corporate prayer of petition: God, we’re grateful to You for granting us persons who come in and out of our lives. We thank You for using family members who pour into our lives, and ask that as Your sons and daughters You fill us with the power to become Your servants. This is our prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.
RTs message was entitled: “Help!!!” drawn from Romans 16:1-2
Through the technological wonders of Internet Explorer 8, I was able to open another tab and log onto to type in the message scripture. I like this site because it gives the option of even being able to view the scriptural text in several translations. Next, I cut and paste the text into an open Word document on which I’ve been taking notes:
“1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant (deaconess) of the church in Cenchrea. 2 I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me.” – Romans 16:1-2
Paul’s letter to the fellowship of the faithful in the Book of Romans was on open ‘shout out’ of commendation to Phoebe and those who do. To those he were standing around it may have read like a “Do you already!” reminder. He calls Phoebe our sister (the word “sister” comes from the Greek word “Adelphi” which means the sister that is loved). This letter was his helping hand up to those who were committed to handing out blessing for others.
CHECKING HIS LIFE’S RESUME: Paul wasn’t considered a team player from day one. In fact, he was once called a prayer-hater. Even after his faith transition, Paul’s competency was continually called into question; not by outsiders, but rather by those who proclaimed to be faith sharers. Why? He was formerly someone that persecuted the disciples of the Way (Christ). Yet, he is credited as one of the first writers of the Gospel in the New Testament as the author the Book of Galatians.
Rev then shared a tragic account of a 10-year girl who was sexually abused by her father and step mom. Many people should’ve done something, but they didn’t. Like you I, they choose to not get involved, fearing they might’ve misjudged or misread the situation. So, they did nothing.
No one called 911. No one discouraged the destructive, unkind behavior that led to her death. No one did anything.
Do you hear and see things and not want to get involved? Most people, including police are hesitant and cautious from intervening in domestic disputes because it’s highly likely they’ll find themselves under attack as well. So, no one does anything.
What is your common sense criteria for getting involved? We are not just “created” we are also “called” to serve, not yesterday – today. “We live in the eternal now” as Rev poignantly pointed out. Do you hit the “Christian mute button” when an opportunity to help the well-being of others comes? Are you experiencing a “holy discontent” about the situational challenges of others.
“God calls us through what we speak. He speaks to us through what we see.”
A lot of people want to “talk about God” but they don’t want to “join God, in what God is doing.” The framework of capitalism has it structured within a system a have-not section that is reserved for the disenfranchised. These days however, the reality of capitalism has come closer to us “unemployment is not a statistic, it’s our situation.”
We pay farmers to grow food that is stored in silos and thrown away, even though we have children with hungry stomachs all around us. Why? Have you discovered you “sacred vocation” or merely settled for your “occupation” to avoid doing the work of God which you are more than capable of doing? Why do you continue to allow other people’s aptitude of your ability to hinder your altitude in God’s army of change makers?
You watch 5 hours of television everyday. You have the same 168 hours as the rest of us, yet you’re squandering them at home rather than honing the skills necessary to use your God-given gifts for the work of the Kingdom. It’s not just why you should you help, “it’s whom and when?”
The Bible reveals to us the lengths God will go to pursue us.
What you’ve done doesn’t mean much if you’re not intentional in what you’re doing.
Are you work-in-progress that has submitted to the transformational process? God changes us from the inside outside out – that’s sanctification. Our faithful, praise-filled display of our devotion to God attentiveness – that’s glorification.
Apologetics 101: Rev pointed out “people can question your doctrines and beliefs, but they cannot question the consistency of your life.” Some to your prayer haters say, “You can’t argue with people’s experience.”
Our precepts must become practices. We are called as believers to do something we wouldn’t do. Let’s stop being lazy, waiting around for others to tell us what to think and partner with God, today!
DYK? Christ was a layperson that made a difference. What are you doing?
Are those who are connected to your faith network experiencing “dropped calls” because you’re out of the coverage area? You are called to make connections with those in need, and not send their incoming calls for help to voicemail. As a believer, you’ve been commissioned to be a 800 number operator for the Kingdom network. As a member of the EBC community of faith, you’ve been saved to serve as on the ‘help desk’ responding to the needs of those around you.
Congratulations to Brother James Billingy on taking his walk of faith at Sunday’s 10 a.m. service and thanks to the Frontliners who supported his faithful response to the moment of decision. Thanks!
RT’S WORD OF THE WEEK: Pernicious – harmful, insidious, spiteful and evil.
Monday, December 7, 2009
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