Saturday, June 5, 2010

I Am The Good Shepherd

I Am The Good Shepherd
By Bishop Keith Butler
This week's topic: God's Guidance

The day is coming when you're going to either follow the Shepherd or go your own way. But I'm here to tell you, your way will lead you to trouble. As sheep, our goal should be to follow the shepherd.

There is only one Shepherd, and his name is Jesus. The Bible says He is the good Shepherd. The word 'good' is a descriptive word. That tells us then that there can be bad shepherds, right? Well the good Shepherd has certain attributes: He gives His life for the sheep, He knows His sheep, and His sheep know Him.

The word 'shepherd' means one who tends to or one who looks after. Now the word 'pastor' is translated the same word 'shepherd' throughout the Scripture; however, Jesus is the Chief Pastor.

In Jeremiah 3:15, God said, "And I will give you pas tors according to my heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and it shall come to pass when you be multiplied and increased in the land..." In other words, you will multiply and increased because of knowledge and understanding coming from your Chief Shepherd/Pastor.

A good Shepherd also provides knowledge and understanding. He provides the sheep with information. That is what's available to us when we spend time with Him.

Now, in order for the sheep to have the protection and receive the knowledge and understanding of a Shepherd, he must follow the Shepherd---that is the key ingredient.

Jesus is the door of the sheep; the sheepfold is the population of the earth. Well, He breaks down the sheepfold into those who follow him. The Shepherd is coming back to take over all things and to set up His kingdom. There is only going to be one sheepfold and one Shepherd.

And I'm telling you today that there is only one Shepherd who is comi ng back for His sheepfold; it's not going to be Buddha, Rev. Sun Young Moon, Hare Hare Krishna or anyone else. It is going to be Jesus. So make a choice to follow Him.

For He is the Shepherd of your soul (mind, will, and emotions). He does the rewarding, and He will lead and guide you to still waters and green pastures. For he declares of Himself, " I am the good Shepherd."

Scripture Of The Day: "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." - John 10:11 (NKJV)

Bishop Keith A. Butler is the founder and pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, MI, and Word of Faith Christian Center in San Antonio, TX. For more information about Bishop Butler, visit

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