Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Life Of Success

Daily Devotional
A Life Of Success
By Aqualyn Toi Jones
This week's topic: A Life Of Success

If I had the desire (or the patience) to count the number of books on success, I’m sure the number would reach well into the thousands (and possibly hundreds of thousands). Everyone claims to know the way to success.

There’s probably a “Success for Dummies” book. Not to mention the countless number of “steps” to success. I don’t mean to negate the value or validity of such tools. I just want to bring a different question into view.

Instead of asking, “How can I become successful?” maybe we should ask ourselves, “What does it mean for me to live a life of success?” Although the two questions may sound similar, they are not.

You and I can be successful in a number of things: education, career, or business ventures. But a life of victory and triumph (pretty good synonyms for success) cannot be measured solely by our mental, physical or tangible prosperity.

If we allow ourselves to be deceived, we’ll think that success is measure by material things. Becoming a homeowner, though notable, is not synonymous with success. Neither is buying a car, losing weight, purchasing a new wardrobe, or investing in the stock market. Those things are accomplishments and by-products of a successful soul.

Many people prosper financially. Many people prosper vocationally. Some are fortunate to prosper relationally. Yet, our souls are supposed to prosper as well (3 John 1:2). In this verse, John indicates that his prayer is for us to prosper in all things, just as our soul prospers. He believed that the prosperity of our souls is just as important as other things. And I believe that is the key ingredient to a life of success and not just moments of success.

It is also important for us to remember that failure is a part of the life of success. Times of weakness, pain, heartbreak, illness and sin (yes, even sin) are all things we will experience along the way. But these should be regarded as defining moments and not defeating moments.

It’s quite simple for us to create our own course and set goals for the next five, ten and fifteen years. With discipline we can succeed in anything we put our minds to. Let’s give an even greater amount of energy and determination to making sure our souls prosper.

As we become better individuals, better children, better spouses, better parents, and better leaders we will undoubtedly lead lives of success. It starts with the soul.

Scripture Of The Day: "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." - 3 John 1:2

Toi Jones is a writer and an advocate for youth, underdogs, and all things (and people) that are broken and overlooked. Compassionate at her core, Toi is also an educator, a mentor, and a supporter of multiple initiatives for South Africa. For more information about Toi, log onto http://www.bewrite-livewrite.typepad.com.…

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