Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lacking no Good Thing

Lacking No Good Thing
By Pastor Andre Butler
This week's topic: The Fear Of The Lord

Sometimes we talk about the fear of the Lord and we think about just a deep respect, but that is not what the fear of the Lord is about. The word “fear” in Psalm 34:9, when translated, means “reverence.” Reverence is deeper than respect. To revere the Lord is to be in awe of him and this begins on the inside. You choose on the inside to revere him. And so he says here that we need to choose to have a reverence for God.

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Pastor Andre Butler
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•Living As A New Creation
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Notice what he says will happen when we fear the Lord. There is no want. The word “want” there also means no lack. Here is the key to reaching a place where we do not lack at all. People in this world today lack for money, health, peace of mind, answers, and even victory.

There are so many different areas that people in this world lack for. But the Word says that they who fear the Lord -- there is no lack for them. It doesn’t matter if you are black, white, old, or young. As long as you do this, you can reach a state of no lack.

Why should you fear the Lord? Because, when you fear God you will reach the place where you do not lack any good thing. That means if it is a good thing, you will have it. It is the will of God that you lack no good thing in your life. If it is a good thing then God wants you to have it. But the only qualifier to me is that you fear Him. If you fear Him, then He is going to bless you.

How do you get there, you may ask? The answer is walking in the fear of the Lord. This is a very important topic, and there is a little bit more to this than we sometimes realize. I am not talking about being afraid of God. God does not want you afraid of Him and afraid of what He is going to do to you. Real knowledge and real wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord.

When you begin to reverence God then you are ready to operate in a higher level of knowledge and a higher level of wisdom than the world. There is going to be a certain revelation that rules in your life because if you are reverencing Him and are in awe of him, you're going to recognize that not only is He God, but that He is always watching you.

So obviously the Word is going to get you to a place where you are operating in the fear of the Lord and then, of course, the fear of the Lord will cause you to lack no good thing in your life.

Scripture Of The Day: "Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints. There is no want to those who fear Him." - Psalm 34:9

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